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Owner of kayak abandoned in Port Phillip Bay comes forward after seeing news reports

The mystery of a kayak found empty in Port Phillip Bay has been solved after the owner came forward to police.

The Easter Sunday finding had prompted a mass search, involving a helicopter, water police, search and rescue divers, the coast guard and SES volunteers, after police feared the owner could have fallen into the water.

The kayak was found anchored and partially submerged about 150 metres from Sandridge Beach, Port Melbourne.

The owner, a Craigieburn man, 21, contacted police after seeing the search reported in the news.

"The fisherman says he was anchored off Port Melbourne when the kayak was swamped by a wave," Sergeant Cameron Scott said. 

"He swam ashore believing the kayak had sunk to the sea floor.

"It wasn't until he saw the news footage that he realised it was his kayak and it hadn't completely sunk."