Government departments have to make city case or move to regions

Deputy Nationals Leader Fiona Nash speaks during her address to the National Press Club in Canberra on Wednesday.
Deputy Nationals Leader Fiona Nash speaks during her address to the National Press Club in Canberra on Wednesday. AAP

Government ministers have three months to justify why their departments should not be moved out of city locations and into the bush as part of a Nationals push to move government services into regional electorates.

Despite accusations of pork-barrelling by Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce for his election campaign decision to move the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority to Armidale in his New England electorate,  regional development minister Fiona Nash said the decision was "very smart and very clever" and decentralisation policy would be applied across the whole of government.

 "All portfolio ministers will be required to report back to Cabinet by August on which of their departments, functions or entities are suitable," Senator Nash said.

"Departments will need to actively justify if they don't want to move, why all or part of their operations are unsuitable for decentralisation."

David Rowe

The cost to move the APVMA from Canberra to Armidale is set to cost more than $26 million and Fairfax Media reported on Wednesday that the agency's chief operating officer Stefanie Janiec had sent  its public servants scripted lines, to be recited in "BBQ conversations" and other "social settings", about its controversial move out of town.

Senator Nash stood by the decision because it showed "courage" and should pave the way for the private sector to follow.

"You have to bite the bullet and say 'we are going to do this' because not everybody is always going to agree with you 100 per cent of the time. No matter what you do," she told the National Press Club.

Senator Nash said she and Finance Minister Mathias Cormann would develop a " template" for business cases for decentralisation to ensure a consistent approach across government.

"Relevant ministers will be required to report to Cabinet with those robust business cases for decentralisation by December. It's important for government to lead by example and invest in rural, regional and remote Australia.

However Labor's Andrew Leigh, who represents a Canberra electorate where many of the affected public servants are based, said it was hypocritical for a government that preached efficiency and integration to pursue a plan that would make government more inefficient and fragmented.

Some agricultural groups have also expressed scepticism about the benefits of decentralisation.

Walter Merriman, who the fourth-generation owner of the Yass-based Merryville Stud and chair of industry marketing agency Australian Wool Innovations which administers the Australian Woolmark logo, said last month it was a very bad idea to move a body responsible for linking primary producers to the world's fashionistas from The Rocks, Sydney, to rural Australia.

"You just cannot promote yourself in a tin shed at Dubbo," he said.

Nevertheless Senator Nash said there were already successful examples of government decentralisation, including the NSW Department of Primary Industries in Orange, the Grains Research & Development Corporation in Dubbo, Centrelink and ASIC call centres in Taralgon, and in Geelong, the Transport Accident Commission and, soon, the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Senator Nash said corporate decentralisation should be a long-term project and the move by food manufacturer Mars to Albury was a huge benefit to the local community.

"In Albury, they say to find people willing to move from Sydney was 'really easy'," she said.

The decentralisation push attracted support from the National Farmers' Federation but farmers would want to make sure there was a strong business case and the effectiveness of the bureaucracy did not suffer from a move.

"Obviously we acknowledge the fact that the Parliament is located in Canberra and the respective departments do the work of government so of course there is logic to proximity and we wouldn't support the relocation of an agency just for relocation's sake," NFF president Fiona Simson said.