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Mother jailed after driving daughter to arranged fight and running down her rival with her car

A mother who drove her teenage daughter to a fight with a former friend has been jailed for deliberately running down the other girl with her car.

But Jennifer McKenzie spent less than one hour of her three-month sentence in custody on Tuesday before she lodged an appeal and was released on bail.

McKenzie, 34, had a car full of girls when she lined up the 14-year-old in a Berwick street and swerved into her on March 20 last year, about an hour after the woman's daughter and other girl briefly fought, Melbourne Magistrates Court heard.

The force of the impact flipped the girl over the car and she suffered fractures to bones in her right arm and left leg. Now 16, she still gets pain when walking for long periods and told the court she felt anxious when travelling alone and around adults.

She is almost certain to develop early onset arthritis, her mother told the court. The two girls were friends but fell out and abused each other on Facebook and in text messages and phone calls before arranging to meet at Berwick train station to fight, prosecutor Anne Hassan said.

McKenzie drove her daughter and four of the girl's friends to the fight, where the victim was waiting with a girl and three boys. After the pair grabbed and punched each other for 30 seconds, Ms Hassan said, the two groups went separate ways.


But McKenzie got out of her car and confronted the victim when a stone was thrown at her vehicle, and later drove over to the girl, veered into a parking lane and hit her.

The mother of three pleaded guilty to dangerous driving causing serious injury. She stayed in her car after hitting the girl and didn't help her because she saw the teenager had her friends with her, defence counsel Farah Banihali said.

Magistrate Sharon Smith replied: "Even though they were children and she's the adult?"

Ms Smith said the seriousness of the offending and the impact of the injuries meant jail was the only appropriate penalty.

"The circumstances of this event . . . leave me at a loss as to why you got involved in the first place and why you didn't remove yourself when you could have," she told McKenzie.

Instead, the magistrate said, the woman deliberately inflicted significant injuries on a girl and exposed the other children to danger. That she didn't assist the injured girl was hard to comprehend.

Ms Banihali said McKenzie drove her daughter to the fight because she didn't want her to go alone, but was remorseful and willing to apologise in person to the victim.

McKenzie, of Pakenham, was granted bail to appeal to the County Court in June.