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China's economy is slowing, but there is one sector booming: tourism

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Iron ore prices are retreating again and the overall Chinese economy is growing less quickly, but one sector is skyrocketing: outbound tourism. 

The United Nations World Tourism Organisation preliminary 2016 scorecard has Chinese spending $344 billion as foreign tourists, a jump of 12 per cent in local currencies and more than double the splurge of the next biggest spenders, Americans. 

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And while the more mature Australian outward bound tourism market can't compete with those Chinese numbers, we still recorded one of the highest spending growth rates of 8 per cent as we left $35.6 billion behind us overseas. 

The jump in Australian spending comes on top of a resurgence in domestic tourism despite dismal wages growth and many local retailers being squeezed. It looks like we're preferring to spend more money on experiences than things. 

Just as the explosion in Chinese demand for iron ore caught the world napping, so is tourism infrastructure struggling now to keep up with demand – and it's still early days for the Chinese outbound industry, an industry that has gone from virtually nothing to world-leading in two decades. 

A decade ago, there were just 316,000 short-term arrivals here from China. Last year there were 1,213,000. 


While Australia is doing very nicely indeed out of this next phase of China's economic revolution, that 1.2 million was less than 1 per cent of the astounding 135 million Chinese who travelled abroad last year.  

The local industry is concerned about our market share slipping

More Chinese took their renminbi to Switzerland last year than Australia despite Switzerland being more expensive, further away and seriously deficient in spectacular coastline.

The common complaint is that we simply don't have the beds. Just for starters, we suffer a shortage of four-star hotels. And while the populist end of Australian politics complains about foreigners buying the farm, Australians aren't grabbing the investment opportunity. It was left to China to make 38 per cent of last year's investment in Australian tourism facilities.