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My Kitchen Rules 2017 quarter finals: What Josh might say at Court and Duncan's demise

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For those missing that Josh tongue lashing this season's My Kitchen Rules viewers have come to expect, here is what he possibly would have said when arch nemeses Court and Duncan failed to impress judges Pete and Manu in the quarter finals.

After raiding the archives of Josh's criticisms (and sadly, there are many), the path to smirkdom seems clear.

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MKR: Court and Duncan feel the heat

Court and Duncan fail to rack up the points with their roast lamb dish in the My Kitchen Rules Quarter Finals.

"Needless to say that I would love to see Court and Duncan leave today," the voice of Josh crows from the rafters at MKR HQ as the final eight teams pair off (based on their leaderboard position) to compete in round one of the elimination by cooking breakfast for the judges.

Court and Duncan face Della and Tully in a "salmon vs-off", with the Melbourne hipsters choosing to make poached egg with smoked salmon and avo smash while pitted against the Queensland besties' potato pancake with salmon and creme fraiche.

"People will go 'smoked salmon, typical', but we're actually going to do a piece of fillet," Della declares to Tully, oblivious at that point to their rivals' choice of dish. "...It's simple, it's fresh, it's different and today I think we have to go a little bit different to beat Court and Duncan. They're cool cats from Melbourne so they'll definitely know their breakfast."

"If they don't cook this salmon perfectly, I may as well start swimming back from Broome," Josh threatens. "When it comes to preparing and cooking seafood, I'd say I'd beat a five-star chef."


Luckily Pete has no need of calling on Josh's services, telling Della and Tully, "your salmon was cooked beautifully".

Court and Duncan choose to use smoked salmon from the packet. "Go us for picking something we don't actually have to cook," Duncan says of his "old friend" – the quintessential Melbourne breakfast dish.

"This was probably a hipster breakfast five years ago when it was just cool, now it's too pastiche, everyone's got one so it's like impossible to be cool anymore," Duncan mocks to the cameras.

Manu finds that Court and Duncan have delivered a "nice breakfast too", with "very similar flavours" but it isn't enough to beat the freshly-crowned "dish of the day" created by their opponents. 

"I was hoping for a disaster and for entree here it was, hopefully the start of many." Calm down Josh it was hardly a disaster.

In a surprising result, Valarie and Courtney missed out on "dish of the day" with their spicy potato, soft-boiled egg and maple bacon because of poor timing and Kyle and Tim's "rusty" execution of a panko-crusted egg was one of the "weakest" dishes.

"Top teams are going to elimination today, mate," the ghost of Josh eggs on.

So now Court and Duncan must face Valarie and Courtney in the lunch round of the elimination.

Court and Duncan have chosen glazed pork medallion with onion and capsicum jam and bean salad. Only they are using cooked beans from the tin!

"You know what I'm a little surprised about is that bean salad because they're using beans from a tin. I'm just worried about the effort that has been put in the dish," Manu laments to Pete after having coaxed the couple to stay on the show. "It's the quarter finals!"

Josh is relishing the ability to shout 'cheats' at the television screen. "As long as there is no cheating today it should be fair play," he reminds viewers, like a little devil on the shoulder. "Well, you know, using beans basically ... from a jar is a big no-no and we don't want to see any of that today."

It seems the judges finally agree with Josh, with Valarie and Courtney's Indian-inspired pot pie easily smashing the hipsters' dish.

"Court and Duncan I think your pork was tender and well spiced. And I love that little capsicum and onion jam that you put on there but the salad left a little bit to be desired," Pete says, playing good cop.

Bad cop Manu, however, takes a can crusher to their hopes. "I just felt that opening three cans of beans and adding some dressing and some vegetable to it, is just not enough right now. This is the finals. The quarter finals and you really have to push yourselves."

And just like that Court and Duncan's faces fell as though they could hear Josh taunting from afar. "I think you guys will be going home today and I hope you do, ... you know you guys shouldn't even be here."

After Kyle and Tim finally find their mojo by delivering a better Asian-inspired dish than Betty and David, the remaining two teams now have to face off in Sudden Death.

It's the kind of showdown Josh would enjoy since he too came to blows with the fiery Betty. Yet while David is dreaming of Jeannie, Betty's fire has all but been extinguished.

"My confidence definitely got a big knock today and we're just not sure if what we plated is enough. It's just going to be a downer for us to go home," Betty admits to viewers.

Yet she has nothing to fear given the hipsters' rare lamb nearly didn't make it on the dinner plate.

"I think my dog has better dinners than this," Josh says with a smirk. "I could not be any happier right now, I'm not even hiding it."

So to the final decision. And Betty and David's Vietnamese beef stew has redeemed them in the eyes of their Asian mothers.

"Beef cheeks in an hour bloody good job, really nicely cooked and that sauce was amazing, it was gorgeous; it was full of flavour and strong," Manu sums up. 

And even though Pete really dug Court and Duncan's yin and yang peas and beets, there was the matter of the lamb.

"The lamb was on the rarer side but the thing for me that was the negative in that dish was the big chunk of fat that was left on the cap. It just needed to be rendered slower in the pan," Manu critiqued.

Josh's voice, of course, cuts across at this point with: "I'm stoked! I would just love to see them fail. Hopefully Courts has got the tissues ready."

"But the sauce was outstanding; consistency, depth of flavour, it was just beautiful," Manu, the 'sauce man', concluded. 

"Well this is it, both teams have cooked the best they have all day but sadly only one team can move ahead," Manu continues. "And that team is ... David and Betty."

A relieved David and Betty tell viewers: "We could have gone home today and that's really lit the fire back in us."

While Betty wells up with tears of happiness, the real tears flow (unsurprisingly) from Courts.

"I don't cry very much in my life at home so maybe I can get back to that happier human," she says, with a watery-eyed giggle and a cuddle from husband Duncan.

The pair sign off for the last time. "It's sad that we are going home but we have come a long way," Court says, opting to look on the brighter side of life (that they at least beat Josh).

"We haven't killed each other or broken up or anything." Ouch! Duncan clearly couldn't help making a dig at Josh and Amy's separation post-show (although the Broome couple are back together). "Yeah I don't think I'd change anything actually."

"Maybe I would have kicked Josh in the shins," Court says in reference to one of their first instant restaurant blow-ups with the seafood king. "Maybe I should done that. I would have actually."

And just like that, the ghost of Josh can finally be laid to rest.