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Malcolm Turnbull goes full Aussie on Donald Trump's coat-tails

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It could have been satire. It should have been satire.

The PM was up early to boast of his move to scrap the 457 visa to replace it with two other visas that do exactly the same thing.

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'Australian jobs for Australians first': PM

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull reiterated the government's new "Australia first" commitment to 457 visa changes in Canberra on Wednesday morning, saying Labor has allowed the program to explode.

Asked by the host of ABC radio's AM program how many Australian jobs this sweeping and courageous repackaging of existing policy would create, Malcolm Turnbull flicked the switch to full-on Aussie.

"The reality is," he began, "that we have to make sure that Australian jobs are for Australians first and foremost. This is about putting Australians first, Australian jobs first, Australian values first."

That is two sentences and 30 words, of which five are some formulation of the word "Australian". That's 17 per cent Aussie.

The interview dragged on in this manner for another 10 Australian minutes.


"Above all, this is about putting Australians, and their jobs first … What it will do is ensure that Australian employers have to put Australians first … This will mean that there will be more jobs available for Australians, but above all this is about putting Australians and their jobs first … We've got two objectives here. One is to ensure that whenever we've got Australians available to fill an Australian vacancy the Australian fills it. The second thing is to ensure that ... "

From time to time the program's host, Kim Landers, tried gamely to pierce Turnbull's aural wall of blather with a plea for some basic detail.

How many more Australians will find work due to these changes? Dunno, conceded Turnbull in another blizzard of Aussies, but more. How many foreign workers will be employed under the two new visas? Dunno, but less. Would there be a cap on the number of such visas approved? No.

On and on it went until Turnbull reached his clearest moment of populist balderdash, an inspirational flash of rhetorical nonsense.

"I recognise that there are a lot of people who will try to criticise this on political grounds," he said. "This is not about politics, this is about putting Australians first, making sure Australians get Australian jobs first and making sure we defend Australian values in doing so."

As if to emphasise just how enthusiastically Turnbull was surfing the current wave of international nationalist populism, Mikael Sala, an aide to Marine Le Pen's far right National Front popped up on another ABC radio show on the very same morning.

"I see that the 457 visas is a big issue in Australia right now and we have the same problem … we have 7 million unemployed French and we still keep welcoming thousands of legal migrants each year," he told Patricia Karvelas.

And overnight Donald Trump announced his own reform of a visa program to encourage American employers to hire more Americans.

"With this action, we are sending a powerful signal to the world: We're going to defend our workers, protect our jobs and finally put America first," he said.

And within minutes of Turnbull's announcement on Tuesday afternoon of the 457 changes (in a Facebook statement that was one minute and 47 seconds long and included nine Aussies) Pauline Hanson had taken to Twitter to claim credit.

This is not to liken the Liberal Party under Malcolm Turnbull to the French National Front, to One Nation, or even to Donald Trump's GOP. But it is telling that he has chosen to use their language even as his policies remain far more moderate.

In part this dogged sloganeering is standard political practice, and it can be devastatingly effective. Tony Abbott proved that. Politicians and their staff consider their job done well if their simple message is heard and amplified across media.

But you can go too far with this sort of guff, especially if the tone of your message jars with the public understanding of your character. Then you can reveal yourself as flighty, overly reactive to international trends, domestic politics and internal party strife.

It can make you look weak and sound dumb.