

The $300m GST grab hardly anyone knows about

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To tell this tale properly, I have to publicly confess to buying a very expensive coat for my husband's birthday.

Doubtless some people will poke fun of my extravagance, or even be offended by it. But, dear reader, I'm willing to sacrifice myself in order that I can write a useful column for you about GST on imported items.

Australian retailers have won the long-running debate about whether consumers should have to pay GST when they buy from an overseas website.

Since the introduction of the GST in 2000 Australians have copped the tax if they spend more than $1000 from an overseas website.

Not many people realise that from July 1 this year, they'll also have to pay GST on items worth less than $1000, plus digital products such as movie streaming, e-books, apps and games and services such as architectural and legal services. Details are on the Tax Office website.

Some people call it the "Gerry Harvey tax" since Harvey, the co-founder of Harvey Norman, was one of the most vocal agitators for extending the GST to all overseas purchases to create a "level playing field" for local retailers.


It was a particular issue for his business when the Australian dollar was at parity with the US, where consumer electronics are much cheaper.

It's also going to boost the government's coffers. The 2016-17 federal budget reported the new rules would increase GST revenue by $300 million over the forward estimates period to 2019-20.

A Treasury spokeswoman says the GST for low-value items and digital products and services will be collected at point of sale.

Any supplier that makes at least $75,000 in annual turnover from Australian sales will be required to charge GST. Suppliers using an online marketplace that exceeds that turnover will also be included, regardless of the size of the individual seller.

That's less hassle for consumers but the risk is that many overseas retailers may decide that the compliance costs are too high and it's not worth the bother.

Meanwhile, the Treasury spokeswoman says there are no proposed changes to the current arrangements for goods worth more than $1000, where the GST is paid by the consumer before the goods are released by Customs.

This is the category I fell into, and the experience was eye-opening. This is where I have to come clean about the size of my recent purchase.

The price tag for my husband's coat was £697.50, including delivery from the UK. That translated to $1148.95 on our Australian bank statement. (I showed him the coat online and we have a joint bank account, so I'm not destroying any great marital mystery here).

Before I go on, I will say in my defence is that it's not an everyday purchase and it's a very beautiful, high-quality coat that will last for years. 

Buying one coat for a significant sum of money is less environmentally damaging than buying several cheaper ones for less. That's something I care about.

And I also believe it will work out financially. If he wears it every week day throughout winter for just one season, it would be $17.40 on a cost-per-wear basis. That's less than many items of fast fashion that people buy from the likes of H&M.;

In reality he's unlikely to wear it literally every day, but he won't retire it after one season either. I told him I expected him to wear it for 10 years and he countered that he hoped to pass it on to our son one day. We'll see how we go.

But I digress. This was actually the first time I'd bought anything for more than $1000 from an overseas retailer online, so it was the first time I'd paid GST on an overseas purchase.

I could see when I paid for it that the British retailer had removed VAT from the purchase price, and I was vaguely aware that I would be contacted before delivery to arrange payment of GST.

What I didn't realise was that GST was only a small portion of what the Australian government would sting me for.

The GST rate is 10 per cent so I was expecting a bill for $114.90. That's what it would take to make it a "level playing field", right?

The actual bill from Customs, via delivery service UPS, was $277.33.

The GST component was $128.73 – I have no idea why it was an extra $13.83 but let's not quibble.

There was also a customs entry fee of $83, a duty/tax of $54.65 and a security fee of $9.95. All up that's about 25 per cent in tax!

Obviously there was not much I could do about it by this point, so I paid up. It felt a bit like the coat was being held to ransom by Customs.

Delivery was prompt, though I was shocked that UPS then left the box on our front porch, against the retailer's terms and conditions. I'm all for that most of the time – there's nothing worse than queuing at the post office to sign for something worth all of twenty bucks.

But a coat that's come all the way from England at a total cost of $1426.28? Nah, she'll be right mate, just leave it on the front steps. I mean Sydney's just a big country town, right? Hmm.

Anyway, all's well that ends well, and I have the coat ready to give to my husband this weekend. I hope he likes it. Next year he's getting a book!

Caitlin Fitzsimmons is the editor of Money and a regular columnist for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. Find her on Facebook or Twitter.