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'I'm in a rush to get the kids Nandos.' Latest excuse from a WA driver

The shocking excuses from WA drivers for breaking the road rules just keep on coming.

In the latest poor excuse offered up to police, a driver who ran a red light this week said they did so because they were in a hurry to feed their kids some Nandos.

​The offence is alleged to have happened on Monday night just before 7pm on Ocean Reef Road in Wanneroo.

According to the traffic infringement notice tweeted by police, the driver told officers: "I'm in a rush to get the kids Nandos."

The driver copped a $300 fine for the offence and six demerits.

In recent weeks and months many other drivers have offered up pitiful excuses for a range of offences.

"The wind was pushing me" was the creative excuse a WA driver gave police in January for driving close to 20km/h over the speed limit.

"I was driving in the lane I always do" was the excuse another driver gave police when pulled over for sitting in the right hand lane last month.