One mum's plea to dads everywhere: 'Take the goddamn photo'

 Photo: Getty Images

Aussie blogger Sophia Cachia, AKA The Young Mummy, has taken to social media to issue a plea to dads: "Take the photo. Take the goddamn photo."

Along with a candid snap of herself resting with her two-year-old son, Bobby, Ms Cachia wrote a note to dads everywhere, saying, "We spend days capturing beautiful moments of you and the kids. So whenever you see one of us with our babies, a beautiful candid moment, take the bloody god damn photo. Cheers, Mums."

Applauding her husband Jaryd for nailing it, Ms Cachia writes, "He TOOK THE PHOTO."

The blogger's sentiments echo those of Kaylin Maree Schimpf, who issued a similar challenge to men last year: capture the women in your lives, take photos of the women you love.

"Dear men ... take the photo," she writes. "It doesn't matter what she looks like, or if she tells you no, take the photo."

Messy hair, makeup free, dirty clothes - it won't matter to your children when she is gone, Ms Schimpf explains.

"What will matter," she writes, "is that you loved what you saw enough to take a photo, to document it, to preserve that moment in time of the woman you love."

Sharing that no woman wants to look back at a lifetime of selfies, Ms Schimpf urges men to pick up the camera.

"Be proud. Take photos of her. Before kids and after."

Ms Schimpf's heartfelt post was prompted by the death of her father - and the young woman's realisation that she didn't have very many pictures of him.

"Photos are all we have eventually," she told The Huffington Post at the time. "Memories are great, but I look back and I have nothing of my dad."

Just like Ms Schimpf's words which quickly went viral last year, Ms Cachia's post has also stuck a chord with mums, with many tagging their partners in her post with the message, "More pictures, please!"
"Amen sister!" one woman wrote of Cachia's reminder.  "We click away all day as our bubs look SO cute doing anything and everything. And as we're behind the camera - daddy features a lot in the pics too. We are having beautiful and precious moments daily but no1 is around to capture them. And when they are - please, please do."
"Very true not so many moments captured with mums and kids because we are always so busy worrying about everyone else," another added. "When will they realise we need to be cared for too."
