Via Dinarica: Results of the Public call for improving tourism accommodation facilities, services and offer

Via Dinarica: A Platform for Sustainable Tourism Development and Local Economic Growth – is announcing results of the Public Call for Improving Tourism Accommodation Facilities, Services and Offer along the Via Dinarica Green and White Trails in Bosnia and Herzegovina, published on February 9, 2017.

Public call for selection of non-structural projects to reduce the risk of floods in the Vrbas river basin

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), within the project “Technology transfer for climate resilient flood management in Vrbas River Basin”, funded by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF), published the Public Call to collect applications for non-structural projects for reducing/eliminating the risk of flooding in the municipalities within the Vrbas river basin in which there is an objective risk of flooding.

LID project: Extended deadline -public call for support of new investments in BiH in 2017

Within the of scope of "Local Integrated Development" Project, public call was announced for the support for new investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2017.

LID project: Public competition - 2 million BAM Grant scheme for strengthening the competitiveness of SMEs

Local integrated development (LID) project, which is primarily funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP BiH, will support grant scheme for strengthen the competitiveness of SMEs, implemented by FMRPO.

Law on Development Planning and Management in FBiH supports the public funds spending for the real needs of the citizens

Adoption of the Law on Development Planning and Management by FBiH paves the way not only for faster and more coherent socio-economic development, but also for harmonised development planning and management at all government levels in FBiH.

The construction of kindergarten for 150 children in Srebrenica started

The contract signing ceremony and setting of foundation stone, which was attended by representatives of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, United Nations Development Program in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNDP BiH) and the Municipality of Srebrenica, marked the beginning of construction of the new kindergarten building for 150 children in Srebrenica and reconstruction of the regional road R- 453.

EU awarded 8 grants for 8 amazing stories: Your voice, your story is heard!
EU awarded 8 grants for 8 amazing stories: Your voice, your story is heard!

Award ceremony for small-scale media outlets took place at the UN House in Sarajevo today, granting the winners of “Imaš priču?” contest which was published under the framework of the “Building and Consolidating National Capacities for Conflict Prevention” project, funded by the EU with the amount of 43.000 euros, and implemented by UNDP in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The activity is coordinated by the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator in BiH.

LID Project: public call for participation in the program of entrepreneurship development and provision of support for establishing start-ups

Within the of scope of "Local Integrated Development" (LID) Project, public call was announced for participation in the program of entrepreneurship development and provision of support for establishing start-ups.

LID project: public call for support in establishing new plantations and production of peppers

Within the of scope of "Local Integrated Development" (LID) Project, public call was announced for agriculture producers from the municipalities of Gradiška and Novi Grad, to apply for support in establishing new plantations and production of peppers.

Germany Finances Destruction of More Than 2.4 Million Pieces of Ammunition

Federal Republic of Germany invests 250,000 Euro in disposal of 2.4 million pieces of SALW ammunition and up 35,000 pieces of mortar and artillery ammunition to assist BiH Ministry of Defense in establishing a sustainable ammunition stockpile management.

UNDP BiH support job creation through cooperation with Federation BiH Employment Institute

The United Nations Development Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNDP BiH) signed today a Memorandum of Understanding with the Federation BiH Employment Institute, aimed at strengthening inter-agency cooperation on job creation and labor market-driven skills development.

Goal achieved! EXPLODE project ensures communities are safer by disposing 1,800 tons of ammunition

The exceptional results in terms of improved community safety through Project EXPLODE funded by the European Union and implemented by the Ministry of Defense and the UNDP were in focus during the Project Closing Ceremony held in Sarajevo

Our story/School break at N-TIM Academy: How science, technology, engineering and mathematics can be fun for kids?

Why children like to spend their school breaks in school? How N-TIM Academy contributes to elimination of prejudice about “male” and “female” job? How N-TIM (STEM) skills can keep the door open for technical studies and a better job opportunities in BiH? How to provide a free-of-charge N-TIM (STEM) education for all children in BiH?

Playgrounds opened at the initiative of citizens of Mošćanica and Sedrenik

Starting with today, more than 500 children from the MZ Moščanica and MZ Sedrenik (local communities) will be able to spend time playing and having fun on two new, fully equipped playgrounds. Construction of the playgrounds was a priority for the citizens of these local communities, which they defined as a conclusion at the forum held in the framework of the project Strengthening the Role of Local Communities in BiH, which is a joint project of the Government of Switzerland and the Government of Sweden, implemented by UNDP.

UNDP’s and EU’s support to disaster risk reduction in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Today in Bijeljina United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), as part of the new two-year regional project "Building Urban Resistance in South-East Europe - Action Network" (SEE URBAN), which is jointly funded by the European Union and UNDP, held the first meeting with the partners in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Citizens' activism - the key to success of local communities

The success of local communities depends on the activism and commitment of citizens in the realization of the needs for the development of local communities, which is the basis for creating changes in local government from a lower to a higher level of government – that was the conclusion of all 170 participants of today’s meeting, that took place in Sarajevo in the framework of the project "Strengthening the Role of Local Communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina ", on the occasion of the exchange of experiences and best practices from the study visits to the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Serbia and the Kingdom of Sweden.

Distribution of IT equipment to local communities to provide quality services to citizens in BiH

More than 125 local communities in 23 partner local governments will now be able to provide quality and efficient services to citizens, thanks to a package of IT equipment worth about BAM 300,000.

New UNDP project in the field of environment and energy efficiency is announced

UNDP Energy and Environment Sector on Monday, 13 February presented a draft project document "Catalyzing Environmental Finance for Low-carbon Urban Development" supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

Eight regional working meetings for a single vision of local communities

Eight regional working meetings were held throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina within the project "Strengthening the Role of Local Communities (MZ) in BiH" from August to December 2016. At the meetings in Sarajevo, Tuzla, Banja Luka, Mostar, Bihać, Brčko, Bijeljina and Trebinje participants worked on defining the vision of the local community through productive discussions, which is the vision that will be used as a model for the future of BiH local governments.

Our Stories: Wickerwork in Posavina – return to tradition and homemade business

To start successful business in your own home, has been a dream of many who wish to become entrepreneur or simply to be self-employed. That dream has become a reality for those who participated in the project “Self-employment through wickerwork” in Posavina.

Human Development Report 2016 -Risk-Proofing the Western Balkans: Empowering People to Prevent Disasters

The report focuses on recent flood disasters that struck Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, and Kosovo*.

Kupres Cheese Seizes Local Market

Thanks to the donation of milk cooling tanks through the UN TFHS agro-trade cooperative "BH Milch" boosted production of the unique “Kupres cheese”, while the purchase of milk was guaranteed to the farmers enabling them regular income.