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Click Member link to see site in tvBlogging Brits + ADD YOUR SITE (446 members)
Networking blogs, journals and online diaries written by people who live, work or were born in the UK.

atypical photoblog
a blog of photos taken by Tone the Blueshawk and Pen

The Technofile
Reviews and features about all the latest hardware & software for creatives: music, video, film, photography, DJing, VJing, design, art, animation, books, courses and more.

Imagined Community
About anything and, mostly, nothing in particular: spiritual successor to the currently moribund Masochist's Dictionary, but, hopefully, with less of the tendentious politicising... In fact, working on ...

World of soil
An arangment of dribblings and mental burblings indispersed by a few gems of wisdom.

Retail Hell
A narrative of the life of a supervisor trapped forever in the murky bottom of retail hell.

love freely
My journey of recovery from nicotine addiction to a life of love and freedom.

f/8 and be there
A photo a day. Street, abstract, mono or colour. A vision of my world.

The day to day ramblings of a computer addicted woman who escaped the 'big city' for an idyllic life in the middle of nowhere.

Trunk Guy
Home page, journal and ramblings connected to a gay site by a guy from the UK. Trunkguy.com has been online eight years and includes lots of interesting things about gay life in the UK.

Vintage Sixties Live
Non-commercial contact point for all the performers and friends who worked the NE UK Club circuit ducommunity the fabulous Sixties. News gossip and links to historical archives, poics, anecdotes, videos ...

Kite Talk
A list of kiting links with a short-ish description and maybe an opinion on the site concerned.

Paul Holloway
A mainly commentary-based blog written by a bloke living in Leeds, West Yorkshire.

one more cup of coffee
London-based Ph.D. student. Drinks too much coffee, cycles excessively and uses blog to vent spleen.

Mr McAffertys´ Super and Splendid Palace (of stuff)...
A blog is a place to tell people what you want them to know. So this is what I want you to know, or is it? Truth is you probably don´t want to know any of this either way...

The Gospel According To Rhys
Chronogically Inept Since 2060.

Photos and commentary from a Brit in California.

Amkeli's World

Heavens To Betsie

Canada Or Broke (Or Both)
Follow one man's mission to escape spirit-crushing boredom and make his way to the promised land. I.e. Canada. Will he make it? If he does, will he be bankrupt? How will his girlfriend take her lovely ...

Distant Aggravation
Because every girl needs a blog. And a pair of cowboys boots. Tales of an Oxford student, pretend groupie, wannabe playwright and cowboy boot obsessee. With added whooping.

Random Reflections
Some reflections on life. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious. Take a look.

Not Proud of Britain ( But Would Like to be)
Not Proud Of Britain is a personal view of life in the UK today, both the good things and the bad.

The Joyful Raconteur
They'll give me my own column one day, I swear.

Yorkshire Snowman
Crazy world of a Yorkshire bloke on the run from the men in white coats.

The musings of a slightly confused englishman, living in wales and about to marry a south african. Accompanied wherever I go by my slightly annoying friend - Sid.
