Japan back down brings TPP back from the dead

Trade Minister Steve Ciobo crossing the the street in central Tokyo on Tuesday, flanked by Australia's ambassador to ...
Trade Minister Steve Ciobo crossing the the street in central Tokyo on Tuesday, flanked by Australia's ambassador to Japan, Richard Court. supplied

A surprising about-face by Japan has resurrected the Trans Pacific Partnership, a regional free trade deal considered dead after US President Donald Trump withdrew from the agreement following his election.

While countries like Australia were keen to push ahead with the deal, Japan considered there to be little benefit for its auto makers and other exporters without the giant US market.

But in recent days there have been increasingly warm signals on the TPP out of Tokyo, sentiment confirmed by Australia Trade Minister Steve Ciobo.

"I welcome the comments from Japan. They are consistent with conversations I have had with Japanese representatives," Mr Ciobo said in Tokyo on Wednesday.

"I have consistently said talking of the TPP's death was premature."

Citing government sources the Japanese media are reporting Tokyo is preparing to take a leadership role in seeing the trade deal implemented among the 11 remaining members.

This followed Japan's chief cabinet secretary Yoshihide Suga signalling a softening of Tokyo's position over the weekend.

"We have a feeling that the 11-nation framework should be given weight," Mr Suga said in an interview.

Mr Ciobo said the Canadians would host a meeting of senior TPP officials next month to kickstart negotiations on how the deal could be implemented.

Under its current framework the agreement must be ratified by countries accounting for 85 per cent of the combined GDP of the 12 member countries. Given the US accounts for 65 per cent of the blocs' GDP, it can't be implemented in its current form.

One scenario being pushed by Japan is for this so-called "activation threshold" to be lowered, although Mr Ciobo said it was too early to consider any such scenarios.

"It's a statement of the bleeding obvious that it [the TPP] can't come into effect in its current form," he said.

"But there is a desire from the 11 remaining countries to salvage the benefits from the TPP."

Mr Ciobo met with Japan's Trade Minister, Hiroshige Seko, and TPP Minister Nobuteru Ishihara in Tokyo on Tuesday.

Australia has been a vocal supporter of the TPP continuing in some form, despite Mr Trump's decision to abandon what he called a "job killing" agreement shortly after he took office in January.

The TPP took five years to negotiate and locked in robust standards on labour, intellectual property, food safety and the environment as well as tariff cuts.

Mr Ciobo had previously suggested opening the TPP to countries like Indonesia and China, which had been left out of the initial agreement.

However, Beijing has long been suspicious of the trade deal, which was a key plank in the Obama administration's so-called "pivot" to Asia.

China is promoting the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) instead, an initiative led by Southeast Asian countries to set up a trade deal with key partners in the region, including Australia.

Mr Ciobo admitted in February China would be unlikely to join the TPP, which was considered by many the final blow for the agreement, given Japan's apparent reluctance to continue.

But with Japan's export-orientated economy perceived to be under threat from protectionist forces around the world, including Mr Trump, pressure has been growing on the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to play a greater role in promoting free trade.

Along with appearing to revive the TPP, Tokyo has also been promoting talks with Beijing over the RCEP, a 16-member group which does not include the US.

This agreement is not as ambitious or comprehensive at the TPP and does not include provisions for labour or environmental standards.