Small Business


The accountant winning work on Facebook

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I envy businesses that have their social media and online profiles sorted. "New website'" has been on my to-do list for a year. Soon, I promise myself.

I'm using accountant Stacey Price as my inspiration. Taking her lead, maybe I need to forget the website and focus on my socials, as she has done.

When Price started her business four years ago, Facebook was all she knew about social media. Today she receives far more referrals for her accounting practice through social media than any other channel, including her website.

"My clients are start-ups and entrepreneurs, so they are all on social media selling their products. They are creative people and in the business of social media," Price says.

She had to change her thinking about digital communication when she started her business.

"I come from a corporate background, so my mindset was, "You need a website and that's how you sell". It took me a while to understand most people search for me or my business on social media."


Kidsafe Victoria is one client she has won through social media. "The CEO Melanie [Courtney] uses the accounting software Xero and I was running a Xero training session. She booked in after seeing it advertised on Facebook." 

Price provides advice on Xero to Kidsafe each month. She also goes to board meetings to comment on their financials and prepares their annual accounts. She says she would not have won this work without her social media profile.

The importance of being light-hearted

Price's approach to social media is to have fun with it. "I can show my personality, whereas the website is a more traditional way of communicating. I can add some colour in social media, for instance funny quotes on a Friday."

She says this irreverent approach has been key to success.

"I realised people didn't want me to give advice on how to do their BAS. Most people hate numbers, so I had to make it interesting."

Price puts together a monthly social media schedule of daily posts, mainly using Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

I realised people didn't want me to give advice on how to do their BAS. Most people hate numbers, so I had to make it interesting.

Stacey Price

"We post inspiring quotes each Monday, because it's the start of the week and most people struggle to get excited about anything technical. The idea is to encourage people to keep going," she says.

Tuesdays and Thursdays are for posting tips about the numbers, so content might be about things like financial reporting and payroll.

It's a subtle sales message midweek, achieving a great balance between light-hearted content, serious information and a call to action.

"We have Work with us Wednesdays. We post something about how people can get in touch and why they should use our services. It's about giving followers insight into what we can do for them," she explains.

The business spends an hour a week planning and posting content on social media and another five hours a week in groups and commenting. 

"Half this time is spent by my admin assistant and I do the other half. Cost-wise it's more efficient for my assistant to create images and schedule posts. Plus she's the creative one, not me!" says Price.

Return on investment

Price estimates social media generates 60 per cent of her work, which equates to revenue of approximately $70,000 a year.

Aside from being a revenue generator, social media has also helped the business reduce its costs. For example it has never needed to do traditional advertising.

"We don't even ask for reviews on Facebook, yet our clients post them and tag us, which creates instant trust with new clients," she says.

In terms of return, Price looks at how people are contacting the business to determine whether it's still worth investing in social media on such a large scale.

"If people were not emailing us, or messaging us through Facebook, and commenting on our posts on LinkedIn, we would probably scale it back."

The message is, dedicate time to social media and treat it as a standard part of doing business. But remember to measure your efforts and adjust your program accordingly, taking into account the posts that do well as well as those that don't.

That way, your investment of time and intellectual property into your social media program should return dividends now and into the future.

Stacey Price's top five social media tips for SMEs:

Remember it is social, so keep it light.

Inform, educate, share because social media is about giving.

If people have taken the time to comment, take the time to comment back.

Be yourself and keep true to your business values.

Automate what you can without losing the valuable content.

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