ONE new-look



… and


TWO creative


We’re doing things a little differently with PAGE TO STAGE 2017. In an effort to include more work by more writers – and to put your creativity to the test – this year’s season will run as follows:

(4th – 15th October)
Six original, unproduced short works (up to 20 minutes in length) will be presented every night over 11 nights. 2 – 4 characters. Any theme. But to be considered, your play must include a TRAM and a SECRET … in any degree of intensity.

Submission Guidelines SHORT PLAY

(17th – 22nd October)
Six original, unproduced monologues (up to 10 minutes in length) will be presented every night over 6 nights. Any theme.

Submission Guidelines MONOLOGUES.

Closing date: June 30



Photos by

To see photos from Page to Stage 2016, click here and here

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Q & A       with MWT writer ZOE BRINNAND

Q. You recently won Playtime Staged Readings 2017 for your script “My Big Fat Lesbian Greek Wedding”. What does winning this award mean to you, and for your future career?

A. It means so much! My plays thus far have focussed on queer female stories – I would love to get one on a main stage somewhere in Australia, and I believe this is a great step in that direction. It’s not only meaningful to me as a writer but this play is very personal. My partner is Greek and has faced great difficulty in coming out to her family and community. The play treats this issue with humour and humility and I hope it helps people see both the parent and child’s point of view in the coming out process.

Q.  How important are opportunities such as Playtime for the nurturing and growth of LGBTIQ writers and theatre-makers?

A. These opportunities are so important! There are so many amazing stories out there that need to be told and Playtime showcases that. All the entrants were great. One day however, I hope that we won’t need competitions such as Playtime and that LGBTIQ stories will simply be part of the wider landscape of theatre.

Q. What do you love most about the act of writing?

A. I love escaping into the world of the characters and seeing things from their perspective. With this play, I initially felt that the mother character may be out of touch with modern views on homosexuality, but I’ve come to really love her, understand her, and empathise with her. I hope the audience will feel the same 🙂

A second reading of My Big Fat Lesbian Greek Wedding will be taking place in the latter half of this year. Keep an eye on and for further details.

Read more Q&A by MWT Members and Resident Writers ZOE BRINNAND

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