How 'Captain Underpants' rescues the washing

How 'Captain Underpants' rescues the washing

Special report

You can't buy a Captain Underpants clothes line and app for your home, but that likely doesn't worry its inventors, Max Braun and Jonas Meyer.

 International Grammar School students Max Braun (left) and Jonas Meyer with their invention, known as Captain Underpants.

International Grammar School students Max Braun (left) and Jonas Meyer with their invention, known as Captain Underpants.

The web-based laundry system the Sydney duo designed has an automated clothes line that uses the weather forecast from the web. The line retracts if rain is approaching.

It's such a good idea, the International Grammar School students were awarded a prize at last year's Young ICT Explorer's national awards. Their age division? Year 5-6.


As technology fundamentally changes the way we think, learn and work, children who engage with science, technology, engineering and maths to solve problems and invent new tools will be well prepared for their fast-changing future.

Young ICT Explorers, a non-profit annual national competition created by SAP, attracts thousands of entries from students in years 3-12. Students conceive, design and build projects in the hope of winning a national award. Mind-blowing entries include games and animated movies, robots, language translation aids, websites, mapping and tracking services and medical research tools.

Braun and Meyer started with a good idea, researched what they wanted to make, designed and built their Captain Underpants model (with an adult using woodwork tools and ordering digital parts online).

"We came up with the washing line system and found a weather sensor to make the line go in and out and learned how to code it using the Arduino website and another site called IO Adafruit," says Braun.

"We both like science and computers and we're looking forward to learning to code in Scratch when we study design and technology this year."

Here's what other selected 2016 national award winners achieved.

Canberra Grammar School

Joseph Fergusson and Rory Wade won the 2016 Young ICT Explorers competition year 9-10 division with their rescue robot, built to negotiate a simulated industrial emergency and deliver ration-packs to "human victims" trapped in a two-level maze.

Fergusson and Wade also travelled to Germany, with Telopea Park School teammate Ines Kusen, to compete in the RoboCup Junior International Final using an earlier version of their maze.

Afterwards, the students ran robotics workshops in Croatia.

Fergusson and Wade designed their robot for the RoboCup Rescue League, part of the international competition.

"We originally designed [a robot] using Lego, which lets you do very fast prototyping," Fergusson says.

The team won a Best Hardware award, while Wade was the first junior entrant to win a RoboCup Design Award for his suspension system design, which lets the robot keep four points of contact with the ground during complex manoeuvres.

"We entered the Young ICT Explorers because even though the robot was designed for RoboCup, we thought the engineering and code that made it work was worth entering in something new," Fergusson says.

Canberra Grammar lent a hand. "I customised the curriculum so they could continue developing their robot in design and technology class," says teacher Graeme Wiggins. "Active learning and digital entrepreneurship are real priorities here and I thought, 'There's nothing in class I could teach that was better than what they were doing'."

Knox Grammar School

More than 1000 cadets and signals platoon members from Knox Grammar and Ravenswood schools attend an annual camp at Singleton Military Base.

Keeping track of them is a challenge, and three year 11 students scooped a Young ICT Explorers national award with their Cadet Mapping and Position System (CMAPS), designed to monitor the location of cadet units and transport. The system simplifies logistics, feeding location details into a database that updates Google maps and identifies where each "unit" of 30 students is.

A project team of boys from years 7 to 12 helped develop and build the system from scratch. Arduino GPS micro-controllers – originally with 2G, now upgraded to 3G – were used and a UTS Bachelor of Information Technology student mentored the Knox team.

"Upscaling from a single working prototype to around 25 individual units has pushed students way beyond their comfort zone, says Knox technology teacher (and cadet officer) Mel Valent.

"The project has grown into a specialist group of students who create the server, set up circuits and hardware, run the admin, send agendas, do asset tracking and even design training and documentation," Valent says.

"Students have to work together to put together a live working application and maintain it during the eight-day camp."

Students are considering add-ons, which could involve delivery drones, she says.

Roseville College

Sophie Allen designed a tracking system that logs each students' proximity to their teacher while on excursion and sends an SMS alert to the teacher if a student strays.

The system saw Allen win the year 5-6 Young ICT Explorer's national prize.

In 2015, Allen came first in NSW for a related project, competed with her classmate April Draney. The 2015 project used a "raspberry pi" mini-computer for monitoring a grandparent living on a remote farm.

Roseville designs its STEM activities so that students can make links "between the possibilities and practical application", says maths teacher Abi Woldhuis.

"Girls who have entered past competitions present to and share stories about their experiences and lessons learnt," she says.

Students are encouraged to create a solution to something that matters to them, she adds, and those who submit a voluntary project report are then able to compete. Watch out for the 2017 competition!