Village of Tivoli, NY
Dutchess County
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Part I: Administrative Legislation

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Chapter 5 (Reserved)

Chapter 6 Assessments

Chapter 8 Claims Approval

Chapter 14 Defense and Indemnification

Chapter 20 Ethics, Code of

Chapter 26 Fire Department

Chapter 28 Greenway Connections

Chapter 32 Investment Policy

Chapter 38 Meetings

Chapter 44 Officers and Employees

Chapter 50 Planning Board

Chapter 56 Procurement Policy

Chapter 62 Records

Chapter 66 Recreation Committee

Chapter 71 Smoking

Chapter 73 Tax Levy Limit Override

Part II: General Legislation

Chapter 76 Alcoholic Beverages

Chapter 80 Animals

Chapter 86 Bingo

Chapter 92 Brush, Grass and Weeds

Chapter 98 Building Code Administration

Chapter 102 Buildings and Premises, Unsafe, Unfit and Unlawful

Chapter 116 Fair Housing

Chapter 122 Flood Damage Prevention

Chapter 128 Games of Chance

Chapter 131 Gatherings, Mass

Chapter 134 Greenway Conservancy Program

Chapter 141 Junk Dealers

Chapter 144 Lighting Nuisances

Chapter 147 Littering

Chapter 151 Noise

Chapter 153 Nuisances

Chapter 159 Parks

Chapter 165 Peddling and Soliciting

Chapter 171 Property Maintenance

Chapter 173 Public Urination or Defecation

Chapter 177 Sewers

Chapter 184 Solid Waste

Chapter 191 Streets and Sidewalks

Chapter 198 Subdivision of Land

Chapter 205 Taxation

Chapter 212 Vehicles and Traffic

Chapter 220 Water

Chapter 225 Waterfront Consistency Review

Chapter 226 Development Review Fees; Internet Posting of Seqr Documents

Chapter 231 Zoning

Disposition List

Chapter DL Disposition List