Village of Ocean Beach, NY
Suffolk County
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Part I, Administrative Legislation

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Chapter 4 Architectural Review Board

Chapter 6 Real Property Tax Levy Limit Override

Chapter 9 Community House and Boat House

Chapter 10 Environmental Commission

Chapter 16 Ethics, Code of

Chapter 26 Medical Center, Village

Chapter 30 Officers and Employees

Chapter 33 Special Service Attendants

Part II, General Legislation

Chapter 40 Alarm Systems

Chapter 43 Tax Exemption for Senior Citizens

Chapter 56 Bicycles and Other Vehicles

Chapter 59 Boats and Swimming

Chapter 62 Brush, Grass and Weeds

Chapter 64 Building Construction

Chapter 66 Business Improvement Districts

Chapter 76 Dogs and Other Animals

Chapter 80 Electrical Standards

Chapter 87 Fire Prevention

Chapter 90 Flood Damage Prevention

Chapter 93 Freight

Chapter 96 Garbage, Rubbish and Refuse

Chapter 98 Harbor Management

Chapter 106 Licenses

Chapter 107 Filming

Chapter 112 Noise

Chapter 123 Peace and Good Order

Chapter 124 Real Property Tax Exemptions

Chapter 125 Real Property Tax Enforcement

Chapter 127 Rental Properties

Chapter 139 Sewers

Chapter 145 Streets and Sidewalks

Chapter 149 Taxation

Chapter 156 Vehicles and Traffic

Chapter 158 Wagons

Chapter 160 Water

Chapter 162 Waterfront Consistency Review

Chapter 164 Zoning


Chapter A165 Rules of Procedure of Board of Appeals

Chapter A166 Special Permit Procedures

Chapter A167 Freedom of Information

Chapter A168 Marina Rules and Regulations

Disposition List

Chapter DL Disposition List