Township of Manchester, NJ
Ocean County
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Part I: Administrative Legislation

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Chapter 2 Administration of Government

Chapter 7 Traffic

Chapter 10 Audits

Chapter 16 Boards, Committees and Commissions

Chapter 22 Claims Procedure

Chapter 26 Court, Municipal

Chapter 27 Criminal History Background Checks

Chapter 29 Emergency Management

Chapter 31 Financial Disclosure Statements

Chapter 34 Fire Department

Chapter 44 Length of Service Awards Program

Chapter 50 Mutual Aid Agreements

Chapter 56 Officers and Employees

Chapter 63 Personnel Policies

Chapter 68 Police Department

Chapter 69 Political Contributions

Chapter 74 Salaries and Compensation

Chapter 80 Water and Sewer Utilities

Part II: General Legislation

Chapter 89 Alarms

Chapter 95 Alcoholic Beverages

Chapter 101 Animals

Chapter 112 Buildings, Relocation of

Chapter 118 Campgrounds

Chapter 124 Checks, Returned

Chapter 133 Construction Codes, Uniform

Chapter 139 Construction Debris Removal

Chapter 145 Curfew

Chapter 160 Fees

Chapter 167 Firearms

Chapter 173 Fire Insurance Claims

Chapter 179 Fire Prevention

Chapter 192 Food Establishments

Chapter 204 Games of Chance

Chapter 210 Garage Sales

Chapter 223 Hazardous Materials

Chapter 229 Hydrants

Chapter 238 Junkyards

Chapter 242 Landlord Registration

Chapter 245 Land Use and Development

Chapter 253 Littering

Chapter 260 Mercantile Licensing

Chapter 261 Licensing and Administration of Reward-Type Programs

Chapter 267 Mobile Homes and Trailers

Chapter 275 Noise

Chapter 288 Parks and Recreation Areas

Chapter 301 Peddling and Soliciting

Chapter 304 Political Fund-Raising on Public Property

Chapter 306 Scrap Metal Dealers

Chapter 307 Precious Metals and Other Secondhand Goods, Dealers in

Chapter 313 Property Maintenance

Chapter 319 Public Improvements, Acceptance of

Chapter 328 Resource Extraction

Chapter 348 Smoking

Chapter 353 Solid Waste

Chapter 359 Special Events

Chapter 365 Stormwater Management

Chapter 372 Streets and Sidewalks

Chapter 380 Taxation

Chapter 387 Taxicabs

Chapter 396 Towing

Chapter 403 Trees

Chapter 409 Utility Company Work

Chapter 418 Vehicles, Motorized

Chapter 424 Vehicle Parking and Storage

Chapter 430 Water and Sewer

Derivation Table

Chapter DT Derivation Table

Disposition List

Chapter DL Disposition List