Town of Kent, NY
Putnam County
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Part I: Administrative Legislation

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Chapter 2 (Reserved)

Chapter 3 Defense and Indemnification

Chapter 4 Departments and Agencies

Chapter 7 Ethics, Board of

Chapter 8 Ethics, Code of

Chapter 10 Local Laws, Adoption of

Chapter 12 Meetings, Notice of

Chapter 14 Personnel Regulations

Chapter 15 Purchasing

Chapter 17 Salaries and Compensation

Chapter 18 Term Limits

Chapter 19 Town Officers

Part II: General Legislation

Chapter 22 Alarms

Chapter 23 Alcoholic Beverages

Chapter 24 Advertising, Political

Chapter 25 Bingo

Chapter 27 Building Administration and Construction

Chapter 28 (Reserved)

Chapter 28A Buildings, Numbering of

Chapter 29 Buildings, Unsafe

Chapter 30 (Reserved)

Chapter 31 Curfew

Chapter 32 Dogs and Other Animals

Chapter 34 (Reserved)

Chapter 36 Fees

Chapter 38 Fire Prevention

Chapter 38A Fishing

Chapter 39 Flood Damage Prevention

Chapter 39A Freshwater Wetlands

Chapter 40 Garbage and Refuse; Landfill

Chapter 41 Games of Chance

Chapter 43 Illicit Discharges to Storm Sewers

Chapter 45 Littering

Chapter 47 Livery and Taxicab Services

Chapter 48 Noise

Chapter 50 Park District No. 1

Chapter 51 Park District No. 2

Chapter 53 Peddlers and Solicitors

Chapter 54 Plumbing

Chapter 55 Engineering, Legal and Consulting Fees

Chapter 55A Property Maintenance

Chapter 56 Public Assembly

Chapter 57 Roads and Driveways

Chapter 58 Sales Events, Temporary

Chapter 60 Sewage Disposal Systems, Separate

Chapter 61 Sewer Use, Connections and Rents

Chapter 62 Smoking and Tobacco Use

Chapter 63 Soil Removal

Chapter 64 Reserved

Chapter 65 Streets and Sidewalks

Chapter 66 Steep Slope Protection and Stormwater Management

Chapter 66A Subdivision of Land

Chapter 67 Taxation

Chapter 67A Temporary Storage Containers and Construction Debris Containers

Chapter 70 Vehicles, Abandoned

Chapter 72 Vehicles and Traffic

Chapter 75 Water

Chapter 76 Watercourses

Chapter 77 Zoning


Chapter A80 (Reserved)

Chapter A81 (Reserved)

Chapter A82 (Reserved)

Disposition List

Chapter DL Disposition List