Sticky Caramel Pecan Rolls

Sticky Caramel Pecan Rolls
Sticky Caramel Pecan Rolls Photo: Stacey Clare


For the filling:

½ cup sultanas
1 cup pecans crushed
⅓ cup rapadura or coconut sugar 
2 tsp cinnamon
Pinch salt
1 tbsp butter 

For the dough (dry ingredients):

3 ¼ cups (450g) white flour (I used spelt)
2 tbsp baking powder
Pinch salt

For the dough (wet ingredients):

1 cup milk of your choice
1 tsp apple cider vinegar or lemon juice 
80g butter, melted
⅓ cup maple syrup

Maple glaze:

¼ cup maple syrup 
¼ cup coconut or regular cream
½ tsp vanilla extract, paste or powder
50g melted butter 



Step 1: 
Preheat your oven to 220°C and line a 24cm circle springform tin with parchment paper. Now start making the filling for the rolls. Pop all the filling ingredients except the butter in a bowl and give it a good stir so it's well combined then leave to the side.

Step 2:
To make the dough, have separate wet and dry ingredient bowls. Stir together the dry ingredients in one bowl and whisk the wet ones together in another. Then combine the wet and dry, stirring them together. 

Step 3:
Give the dough a quick knead on a floured surface and then roll it out until the dough is about 30cm long, 15cm wide and 1cm thick. Then use the butter you had leftover from the filling ingredients and smooth it on the dough before sprinkling the pecan filling all over.

Step 4:
Roll the dough up into a log, as tightly as you can without stretching it. Then, chop the log into 4cm thick pieces and then arrange them in your cooking pan so the sides of the rolls are just touching. Pop them in the oven for 25 minutes.

Step 5:
Whilst the rolls are cooking in the oven, whisk all the maple glaze ingredients together. Once the timer goes off, check the rolls look 90% cooked and pour the glaze over the top. Pop them back in for 5 minutes or until they've browned. 

To Serve:

Serve straight from the oven, lovely and warm. Once cool, you can store them in an airtight container and pop them in the microwave to reheat them but these guys are best eaten fresh from the oven.

Gluten-free option: Use gluten-free flour, 1:1

Dairy-free option: Replace the butter with coconut oil and use a nut or rice milk instead of a dairy milk, 1:1 

Nut-free option: Leave the pecans out and add another ¼ cup of different dried fruits

Stacey Clare is a healthy mum to two young boys and an accredited health & nutrition coach for mothers. You can view more of Stace’s healthy kids recipes and connect with her on Facebook and Instagram.

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