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Trump's daughter-in-law releases 'Make America Great Again' caps in pastel colours

Trump's campaign may be over, but the alt-right fashion lives on.

Lara Trump, wife of US President Donald Trump's son Eric, has released three new styles of the infamous 'Make America Great Again' ('MAGA') caps, just in time for Easter.

Dubbed the "Lara Hats", the caps come in lavender, light blue and yellow.

The former personal trainer shared a picture of herself modelling the lavender design on her Instagram account on Monday.

"Today was the perfect day for a Spring coloured #MAGA hat," she wrote.


The original red caps, which were worn by Trump and his supporters throughout his presidential campaign last year, are still available on the campaign's online store. 

The new MAGA caps: alt-right headwear for every occasion

Not sure which offensive head covering is right for you? Read these (definitely legit) product descriptions and make up your own mind, sheeple.

Lavender: The clear problem with the MAGA cap is that it was gender-neutral madness; if women and men can't share a bathroom, you'd better believe they can't share a hat design. Enter: a MAGA cap created specifically with a woman's delicate head in mind. While pink would have been the obvious choice for this ladies-only style, it brings back bad memories of Killary and her feminazis (*shudder*). Best to go for a respectable purple. Created by mixing pink with a bit of blue, it's the colour that says: I'm a woman, but I'm not happy about it.

Light Blue: So, you're just an alt-right dude. You're working in an office. It's a Friday. Your office is having its monthly barefoot bowls. It's great. You've got a beer. You've got the lads. Everything is great. Then: bam. The shade of your beach umbrella shifts and you can feel the UV hitting your Anglo-celtic ancestry right in the melanomas. What do you do? You could reach for your garden variety red MAGA cap, but... it's Friday! You've got your pastel collared shirt and chinos on! You don't want that sort of colour contrast, and you know the red will do nothing for your complexion in the heat. No worries. Just slap on your pastel blue MAGA cap and you can go back to smashing bevs and bowls with the boys.

Yellow: Walking through life shouting racial slurs at everyone you pass can be a huge drain on your time. Sometimes it's easier to make them by just pointing at your hat.