Why photos of little Hannah are not what they seem

Helping dad with the cooking?
Helping dad with the cooking? Photo: Instagram/Stephen Crowley

It's enough to give any parent a heart attack. Thankfully these photos of toddler Hannah Crowley are not what they seem

A Dublin dad has been taking photos of his daughter in dangerous situations to raise bone marrow donor awareness.

In one photo, Stephen Crowley's 18-month-old Hannah is holding a huge kitchen knife, in another she's climbing a ladder and let's not ignore the one where she is driving the car.


Someone is a little unhappy about the Christmas decorations going away.

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But don't be alarmed – all the photos have been Photoshopped.

You see, Stephen's daughter Hannah was diagnosed with a rare immune disorder called HLH and spent six months of her young life in hospital where she had chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant.

"Because we missed out on so much normal stuff of the first year, we take tons of photos now that we're able to do normal things out of isolation," he told Mashable.


I think the new stair gates may be faulty.

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His hilarious photos, showcasing his exceptional Photoshop skills, have started getting attention online. Now, he's decided to use the opportunity to increase awareness for Be The Match – a bone marrow registry connecting people in need with potential donors.

He explained that when they were searching for a donor for his daughter - out of 27 million potential donors, only three were suitable for Hannah, so raising awareness for the service was vital for saving lives.

Here's hoping he keeps taking the photos because they are totally awesome and Hannah is super cute.


Taking advantage of the quiet bank holiday roads to give Hannah her first driving lesson.

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Autumn walks

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