'I'm leaking, I stink, I moan and groan': the truth about pregnancy sex

No sex please - I'm pregnant.
No sex please - I'm pregnant.  Photo: Facebook/The Modern Mumma

When it comes to engaging in sexy time during pregnancy, most women tend to fall into one of two distinct categories: "I. Can't. Get. Enough!" or "No freaking way. Forget about it."

In a hilarious Facebook post, expectant mama and blogger Mel Watts has admitted that she's firmly in the latter camp - she's just not loving the "Big D", during this, her fourth pregnancy.

And there's a number of very clear - and very relatable - reasons why.

"You know there are some women who thrive when they're pregnant," The Modern Mumma writes. "They love a bit of loving from the big D and then there's people like me."

We try, Watts continues, saying that during this pregnancy, she thought it might be different. 

At 30 weeks pregnant, however, feeling "beach whaled AF" Watts is just not feeling it.

"[I'm] sweaty," she writes. "Wearing a liner - not because I'm that kind of wet. I have a rash on my stomach from stretching skin. My breasts are weapons, they'll knock anyone out."

The 29-year-old explains that her last shaving effort was a "touch and feel" job and that she's "filled with 10 fingers, 10 toes and all sorts of body parts that stick out."

And yet, despite feeling hairy and sweaty and stretched and sore, despite being "at [her] worst", Watts says her husband, Nolan, still calls her "beautiful and sexy".

"Like what is wrong with this man?" she says, "I'm leaking, I stink, I moan and groan.

"And he still wants me."

Watts admits that while she might not understand her husband, she's grateful for her "amazing, caring, doting and a terrible liar partner of an over-emotional stretched pregnant wife."

And what's more - she'll keep him.

Watts' post has stuck a chord with other mums, many of whom have opened up about their own feelings around pregnancy sex.

"First pregnancy, couldn't get enough," wrote one commenter. "Second one, couldn't stand even sleeping in the same bed. Hormones are crazy things."

For another mum, pregnancy sex isn't happening - but not because she doesn't want to, as it's her husband who isn't feeling it.

"Apparently pregnant women aren't attractive," she wrote.

It's not the first time Watts has spoken candidly about the challenges of married-with-children-sex. Her post last year about the pair's "quickie" when their baby was asleep went viral, resonating with tired parents everywhere.

And so did her heartfelt words about the way parenthood changes relationships - and how to keep the love alive while deep in the trenches of raising young kids.

"It's no one's fault," Watts wrote at the time, before confessing, "It's just a moment in our life where I can say it's not all roses and handcuffs."

"Is the romance dead?" she asked. "No. It's very much alive but it also has another 3 humans involved ... I'm still very very much in love with my husband. It's just a different kind of relationship now."

Watts and her family also recently revealed that they're expecting a baby boy, a brother for Ayden 10, Ivie, 4, and one-year-old Indie.