[ Canberra Times ]

When a paternity test reveals devastating home truths about a child's origins

Date: April 17 2017

Kim Arlington

Like many twentysomethings, Jack* has been going through an identity crisis – and with good reason. He recently discovered he is not biologically related to the man he thought was his father.

"Most days I question who I am, the bricks and mortar of who I was," he said. "I do feel like a tree that has had its roots ripped out."

Tests to establish paternity have become more accurate, affordable and accessible since DNA analysis emerged in the 1980s, with home testing kits widely available online.

When he and his putative father used a DIY kit to collect their DNA samples in a Sydney cafe, Jack was focused on following his intuition and finding the truth.

"At no point did I consider the emotional and psychological impact of the test, or its result," he said. It was devastating "to discover the person you thought was your father has zero per cent probability of being your father".

Jack had wondered about his heritage for years. "From a young age, I intuitively felt different," he said.

His parents divorced when he was young and he became estranged from his father. His mother had always put his physical differences down to "recessive genes", but DNA tests this year established that his biological father was another man.

Jack was still coming to terms with the discovery.

"I feel ripped off," he said. "My last name is a lie. I have blood relations who do not know I exist [and] I don't know them."

He hoped to build a relationship with his biological father.

"We all want to belong to our blood," he said. "This might be the missing piece in my puzzle."

Swinburne University of Technology's Professor Michael Gilding, who has extensively researched rates of misattributed paternity, said it was "not a huge social phenomenon".

"In Australia maybe 1 per cent of all births are misattributed," he said.

But the available technology now made it easier to identify a child's biological father. And when DNA paternity tests were overwhelmingly carried out in the context of relationship breakdowns and disputes over child support, he said there was "a high risk of the interests of the child being overlooked".

"There's no question that when people find these things out, it's really disturbing," Professor Gilding said. "It strikes to the heart of people's identity and their understanding of the world, and who they've modelled themselves on and how they form their relationships and their feeling of security.

"If they'd known growing up, it would have been very different. But if they find it out as an adult it contradicts all the information they've heard."

Professor Gilding said everyone had a right to know about their biological parents and "shouldn't be lied to about these things", but "sometimes we put too much emphasis on the biological relationship".

"A huge part of who we are comes from our upbringing," he said. "Parenthood is much, much more than genes."

Scientia Professor Rob Brooks, an evolutionary biologist at the University of NSW, said people "have a very strong desire" to know who they are" and genetics are "certainly a huge part".

"Often when people reunite with family they didn't know they had, when people find they are adopted and find their adoptive parents, they find out something about themselves that is really profound," he said.

"In addition, there are very good medical reasons to know if your biological mother or biological father suffered from a rare congenital disease – you'd want to know."

*not his real name