Swipe right for ... a baby name? The genius app helping parents

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Most parents know that choosing a baby name is no easy task - particularly when you and your partner have wildly different tastes. If you're leaning towards a more traditional or classic moniker (think Charlotte or Edward) while your other half prefers something a tad more quirky (Apple or Racer anyone?) then finding the perfect name is unlikely to happen over a cup of tea and a quick browse of NameBerry.com.

Enter Babyname, a Tinder-like app designed to help couples find their perfect (name) match. Once you've downloaded the app, you and your partner sync up and start assessing monikers. Just swipe right for "Love it!" and left for "Nope, that's my ex-girlfriend's name."

Find a name you both like? Hooray! It's then added to a list of successful matches, for future culling.

"Finding a name for your baby can be as fun as making it," reads the app's tagline. And while we're not sure we'd go that far, it's certainly quite addictive once you start swiping.

Baby names appear with their meaning and their origin, and you can search for names using different filters (for example: hipster, celebrity, athlete).



Take a look at how it works here: