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Bruno Fernandes De Souza case the most extreme example of tunnel vision around abuse

One of the most popular accusations made against the women's liberation movement by anti-feminists is that it ignores those who are 'truly oppressed'. With the rise of Islamophobia, this argument has become increasingly paired with the critique that Muslims are somehow singularly (and uniformly) guilty of executing extreme violence against women.

But what do the proponents of this sort of imperialist tunnel vision do when presented with evidence of the horrifying abuse (and the cavalier disregard of it) that takes place in a country whose people, social codes and even legislative frameworks are all governed by Catholicism?

To be more specific, why aren't the same people who claim to care about all those 'truly oppressed' women commenting on the repulsive case of Brazilian soccer player, Bruno Fernandes De Souza?

In 2010 de Souza was arrested for orchestrating the murder of his ex-girlfriend, Eliza Samudio, after the pair became engaged in a dispute over child support payments. With sickening pre-meditation, the soccer player and some of his friends kidnapped Samudio. She was then tortured and her dismembered body fed to his dogs. De Souza was found guilty and sentenced to 22 years in prison. But earlier this year, de Souza was ordered by a judge to be released from prison "on a technicality". He had served only six years and seven months of his sentence. But this isn't the most enraging part of this story. Shortly after de Souza's release, the Brazilian second-tier soccer club Boa Esporte signed a two-year deal to secure him as a goalkeeper. Anything for the game, right?

The club has already had three major sponsors cancel contracts because of the association, not to mention significant backlash from fans and women's groups in the country. But neither they nor de Souza appear swayed. In fact, de Souza demonstrated a further startling lack of humanity (astonishing for someone who had a woman fed to a pack of rottweilers, I know) in his analysis of the crime. He told ESPN Brazil, "Dude, in the dark world I was in, people tried to bury my dream in a mistake I might have made or not...I'm not a bad guy. I made a mistake. Serious? Serious. My family suffered a lot from that." He went on to affirm (bizarrely) his faith in God and God's plan for him, saying, "We have to talk about more love for people. Love is God. I know God will put me in the place I have to put. I know that there is a good thing in Boa, I will fight, I will overcome any situation and obstacle that appears in front of me."
All he wants, he says, is a chance to start again.


This is an extreme case – perhaps one of the most extreme I've ever encountered . But it's not unusual in its presentation of a man who has been accused of physical or sexual abuse of a woman and yet expects to be given "another chance" because he's, like, really sorry.

In Australia, advocates targeting men's violence against women seem to be locked in semi-regular battle with the sporting codes that treat domestic violence as a less serious crime than drug use or even illegal tackles. Wayne Carey is a man with a documented history of abuse (not least of which were allegations that he glassed his former girlfriend in the face during a night out in Miami) yet he retains his position as a highly paid commentator for Triple M and Channel Seven.

In the entertainment world, men like Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, Chris Brown, Johnny Depp and Casey Affleck have all faced allegations of abuse either physical or sexual (and in the case of Polanski and Brown, admitted to it) yet none have really experienced any kind of dent to their careers. Brown is the only one who can be said to have faced a marginally longer backlash, and that's likely due to a combination of the fact his victim was the stratospherically famous Rihanna and he's a black man in a culture governed by the ideals of white supremacy.

Over and over again, we see arguments made that claim these executions of violence against women are little more than "mistakes". And it isn't just fame that insulates men from the long and short term consequences of their crimes. When boys in Steubenville were arrested for raping an unconscious minor at a party and filming it, their community members rallied in support and said they didn't deserve to be punished – because they too had just made a ''mistake''.

In this world in which men and their needs are king, mistakes pile up on top of each other as easily as the excuses offered to explain them away. And yet still the finger is pointed at other men and other cultures for somehow harbouring medieval views towards women.

The disease of misogyny is a worldwide epidemic. de Souza's easy reintegration into the world he opted out of when he ordered the murder of his ex-girlfriend and had her body fed to dogs is merely the logical endpoint of it.