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Mariam Veiszadeh: The irony of the government's Harmony Day 18C assault wasn't lost on anyone

It seems that some in the Federal Government didn't get the memo that March 21 marks the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, not the International Day for the Sanctioning of Racial Discrimination. The irony was not lost on any of us that they chose Harmony Day to announce the watering down of the hotly debated provisions of the Racial Discrimination Act.

Just a day earlier, Malcolm Turnbull stood alongside Zed Seselja handing down a Multicultural Statement, waxing lyrical about unity and harmony to a room full of racial minority groups.

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18C: an Indigenous MP speaks out

People who have not experienced racism can't stand in the shoes of those who have, says Labor MP Linda Burney.

Time and time again, the debate around Section 18C has reared its head and injected itself into the lounge rooms of ordinary, garden variety Australians who are more concerned about how potential cuts to penalty rates may impact on their family budgets or the possibility of never being able to afford entering the housing market.

And why is that while every man and his dog can seemingly cite 18C, but its counterpart, 18D is conveniently ignored? It's Section 18D that balances the objectives of 18C with the need to protect justifiable freedoms of speech and expression, by exempting: "anything said or done reasonably and in good faith," including in art and journalism.

It's rather ironic, then, that those who seem to shout the loudest about repealing 18C have the privilege of never having to seek its protection.

So what are they afraid of?


That conservative cartoonists, like Bill Leak (whose recent death undoubtedly cemented Malcolm Turnbull's caving in to the hard right folks in his party) won't be able to publish degrading images depicting the most vulnerable in our community? Well he did and s18C didn't stop him. The case brought against him was dropped and no doubt, the operation of s18D, which operates to balance s18C, would have arguably afforded him protection.

That young people like those at the centre of the QUT case aren't able to make remarks about racial groups on Facebook?

Well they did, and the case against them was subsequently dismissed and the proposed changes to the process for how the Australian Human Rights Commission handles complaints under the Act will help make it easier for the Commission to reject vexatious and frivolous claims earlier on in the process.

That the likes of conservative personalities like Andrew Bolt will be offended by the fact that he will have to fact check any demeaning remarks he publishes about racial minority groups? This was of course the crux of why he was found to have breached the Racial Discrimination Act provisions in 2011. Not because of 18C per se, but because the Federal Court Judge wasn't satisfied that the offensive conduct was exempt because of the "errors of fact, distortions of the truth and inflammatory and provocative language." So had Bolt fact checked his remarks, he may have passed the test.

No really, what are they afraid of? Freedom of speech is not at risk. No one is holding it hostage.

Yes we all want the freedom to say what we wish, even things that are distasteful – we value that right; but freedom of speech, like every other right enshrined in law, is not free from responsibility. You have a right to walk wherever you like but that right does not extend to walking over me.

At the core of this debate lies the deep-seated power imbalance between those who seek the protection of these laws and those who will benefit from lowering the bar on hate speech.

Are "bigots" (to borrow George Brandis' phrase) the persecuted minority whose rights need to be staunchly defended? At the core of this debate lies the deep-seated power imbalance between those who seek the protection of these provisions and those who will benefit from lowering the bar on hate speech.

Those groups of people who have sought protection under 18C in the past (and lets face it, its minuscule numbers) almost always come from marginalised, minority communities and they do not, under any stretch of the imagination, stand on an equal footing with their perpetrators. So who really needs the protecting here?

The simple, perhaps controversial truth is this – the powerful conservative elite are not at the top of the list of people who regularly face comparable levels of racial discrimination.

So why is it then that the proposed amendments to the Racial Discrimination Act seeking to protect this category of people?

History has shown us that where racial vilification is publicly sanctioned by those in high office, mere words can have a powerful ability to incite hatred and violence.

As with any democratic right, freedom of speech should be tempered with responsibility and it is counter productive if those who continuously spew hateful and misleading vitriol are the very individuals who thrive from the protection that freedom of speech offers.

The strength of a nation is how it treats its most vulnerable, so I'd like Malcolm Turnbull who is meant to govern for all Australians to put his hand on his heart and honestly answer this question: are we trying to appease the powerful elite at the expense of protecting the most vulnerable?

The reality is that across the board our current anti-discrimination laws are imperfect and could do with an overhaul, but the approach adopted must not ignore the concerns of those whom the law is intended to protect. We wouldn't change laws impacting bike paths by ignoring what bike users had to say about it.

To draw a cartoon, to voice an opinion, to hurl abuse – these are optional choices. To have dark skin, belong to a racial minority group or be born into disadvantage are not. The former group's rights to speak should not come at the expense of the latter's rights simply to be.