Submission Guidelines for Articles & Worksheets

Essential Kids welcomes the submission of articles, educational worksheets and craft activities. You can submit these via email to:

Before sending through your submission, we recommend that you read the articles we have up on the website to get a feel for our style and content. You should format your submission in the same way. Articles typically range between 500 and 1,000 words with 600-800 words length preferred.

We are interested in seeing well-written, informative, entertaining, and unique articles that speak to mums raising kids aged between 4-12 years. Among the broad subject areas we cover are nutrition and well-being, behaviour and discipline, developmental milestones, toys, children’s products, and kid’s entertainment.

We are also interested in the submission of educational worksheets and activities designed for school-aged children from preschool through to year 6.

All work must be original. We cannot guarantee that we will use your article on the Essential Kids website.

Due to volume of submissions received we cannot provide a response to all submissions. If interested, we will contact you. We suggest emailing a précis of the article rather than the whole piece to avoid disappointment.

To submit your article, please send to our editorial team:

You may also like to submit an article for our sister site, Essential Baby, which focuses on stories relating to pregnancy, babies or toddlers.