
John Birmingham

John Birmingham writes regular columns for Fairfax Media.

Life without social media apps has its benefits.

Why I deleted my Facebook and Twitter apps

So, I deleted all the social media apps from my phone. I think my life is better without them. Before you protest, "But JB, I just saw that photograph of a black cat dressed as Darth Vader that you shared," I didn't delete my accounts. Just the apps on my phone and, for good measure, my iPad. Having done so, I feel a lot less stressed and I'd like to talk to you about why.

John Birmingham has been writing this column for 10 years. Makes you think.

Ten years of wielding a blunt instrument

Bill Gates once said that people tend to overestimate what's possible in one year, and underestimate what's possible in 10. He was talking about technology, but think about your life 10 years ago and you'll probably agree that the super-nerd spoke the truth. I wrote my welcome column here at the Instrument 10 years ago today. I've filed just under a thousand times since then.