Past issues

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Title Date
Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 1, 2016 Jun, 2016


Homelessness, homelands, human rights — Anita Heiss

This paper is an edited version of the Human Rights Oration presented at the Sofitel Hotel in Melbourne on 10 December 2015.

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 1, 2015 Jun, 2015

Abstracts for Issue 1, 2015

Cultural strength: restoring the place of indigenous knowledge in practice and policy

Taiaiake Alfred

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 2, 2014 Dec, 2014

Abstracts for Issue 1, 2014

The astronomy of the Kamilaroi and Euahlayi peoples and their neighbours

Robert S Fuller, Ray P Norris and Michelle Trudgett

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 1, 2014 Jun, 2014

Abstracts for Issue 1, 2014

Wal-Walang-al Ngardanginy: hunting the songs (of the Australian south-west) 
Clint Bracknell, The University of Sydney

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 2, 2013 Dec, 2013

Abstracts for Issue 2, 2013

Indigenous higher education: overcoming barriers to participation in research higher degree programs
Toni Schofield, Rebecca O’Brien and John Gilroy, The University of Sydney

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 1, 2013 Jun, 2013

Abstracts for Issue 1, 2013

We don’t leave our identities at the city limits: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in urban localities
Bronwyn Fredericks

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 2, 2012 Dec, 2012

Abstracts for Issue 2, 2012

A profile of gambling behaviour and impacts among Indigenous Australians attending a cultural event in New South Wales
Nerilee Hing, Helen Breen, Jeremy Buultjens and Ashley Gordon

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 1, 2012 Jun, 2012

Abstracts for Issue 1, 2012

Indigenous early school leavers: Failure, risk and high-stakes testing
Jerry Schwab

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 2, 2011 Dec, 2011

Abstracts for Issue 2, 2011

Straight line stories: Representations and Indigenous Australian identities in sports discourses
Lawrence Bamblett

There is an increasing body of literature, and awareness, of the nature of deficit discourse and its contribution to the essentialising of Indigenous identity. Through an analysis of sports writing since the 1960s, this paper explores how such discourses can develop.

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 1, 2011 Jun, 2011

Abstracts for Issue 1, 2011

Youth media as cultural practice: Remote Indigenous youth speaking out loud
Inge Kral

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 2, 2010 Dec, 2010

Abstracts for Issue 2, 2010

Bringing ethics up to date? A review of the AIATSIS ethical guidelines
Michael Davis (Independent Academic)

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 1, 2010 Jun, 2010

Abstracts for Issue 1, 2010

Mediating conflict in the age of Native Title
Peter Sutton (The University of Adelaide and South Australian Museum)

Mediators have played roles in managing conflict in Aboriginal societies for a long time. This paper discusses some of the similarities and differences between older customary mediator roles and those of the modern Native Title process.

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 2, 2009 Dec, 2009

Abstracts for Issue 2, 2009

Darkness and a little light: �Race’ and sport in Australia
Colin Tatz (AIATSIS & Australian National University) and Daryl Adair (University of Technology Sydney)

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 1, 2009 Jun, 2009

Abstracts for Issue 1, 2009

Social Engineering and Indigenous Settlement: Policy and demography in remote Australia
John Taylor

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 2, 2008 Dec, 2008

Abstracts for Issue 2, 2008

Mawul Rom Project: Openness, obligation and reconciliation
Morgan Brigg (Universtiy of Queensland) and Anke Tonnaer (University of Aarhus, Denmark)

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 1, 2008 Jun, 2008

Abstracts for Issue 1, 2008

Rock-art of the Western Desert and Pilbara: Pigment dates provide new perspectives on the role of art in the Australian arid zone
Jo McDonald (Australian National University) and Peter Veth (Australian National University)

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 2, 2007 Dec, 2007

Abstracts for Issue 2, 2007

Musical and linguistic perspectives on Aboriginal song
Allan Marett and Linda Barwick

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 1, 2007 Jun, 2007

Abstracts for Issue 1, 2007

The moral lexicon of the Warlpiri people of central Australia
LR Hiatt

This paper discusses words that match �Good’ and �Bad’; examples of �Good’ and �Bad’ behaviour; morality and law; and egalitarianism and dominance. It also presents a comparison with Gidjingarli (Burarra).

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 2, 2006 Dec, 2006

Abstracts for Issue 2, 2006

Australian federalism and Aboriginal health
Ian Anderson and John Douglass Whyte

Evidence-based policy making in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health Jul, 2006

Evidence-based policy making in health is of great importance when addressing issues of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health inequalities. Steve Larkin explores the role of evidence in influencing the decisions of policy makers, and questions the relevance and accuracy of current evidence to the life experiences, social and cultural environments, and aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons. He examines the concept of evidence and Lin’s (2003) competing rationalities within the context of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 1, 2006 Jun, 2006

Abstracts for Issue 1, 2006

Welfare reform and Indigenous empowerment
Nerelle Poroch

Visual knowledge: Spencer and Gillen’s use of photography in "The Native Tribes of Central Australia" Jan, 2006

The Native Tribes of Central Australia, published in 1899, was by far and away the best photographically illustrated ethnography up to that time. It has been suggested that Spencer and Gillen relied on photography because of the practical difficulty they had in communicating with the Arrernte and in understanding what was going on.

Rage, reason and the honourable cause: a reply to Cowlishaw Jul, 2005

In this sample article from the Australian Aboriginal Studies Journal, Peter Sutton discusses how the politicisation of anthropological and historical writing on Indigenous themes in recent decades has focused unwarranted attention on the moral position of the author, and has been running in reverse gear against the long-term trend of secularisation and objectification encouraged in Western thought since the Enlightenment.

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 1, 2005 Jun, 2005

Abstracts for Issue 1, 2005

Archaeology, claimant connection to sites, and native title: employment of successful categories of data with specific comments on glass artefacts
Peter Veth and Susan O’Connor

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 2, 2005 Jun, 2005

Abstracts for Issue 2, 2005

We got our own management’: local knowledge, government and development in Cape York Peninsula
Benjamin Richard Smith

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 2, 2004 Dec, 2004

Abstracts for Issue 2, 2004

Return of the 'noble savage': misrepresenting the past, present and future
M. J. Rowland

The view that a �noble savage’/’ecologically noble savage’ existed in peaceful harmony with nature is a concept that has permeated writings in anthropology, cultural studies, philosophy, political science, literary and art criticism, and in the popular media over many years.

Transitional traditions: �Port Essington’ bark-paintings and the European discovery of Aboriginal aesthetics Jul, 2004

Taçon and Davies examine 28 extant or described bark-paintings thought to be from the Port Essington region, note the formal qualities of the imagery they contain and describe their history as far as is possible. They compare the imagery with some of the region's rock- and more recent bark-art, note relevant instances of early European-Aboriginal contact and outline the ways in which the barks may have been obtained.

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 1, 2004 Jan, 2004

Abstracts for Issue 1, 2004

Aboriginal/Macassan interactions in the 18th and 19th century in northern Australia and contemporary sea rights claims
Denise Russell

Australian Aboriginal Studies: Issue 2, 2002 Dec, 2002

Abstracts for Issue 2, 2002

Re-figuring Bradshaw: art, place and landscape in the Victoria River District
Andrew McWilliam