AIATSIS songlines
Issue 10 / June 2015
AIATSIS Foundation launched

The AIATSIS Foundation was launched by the Governor-General, His Excellency, General the Hon Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd) and Lady Cosgrove in May.

Education Minister the Hon Christopher Pyne announced the inaugural AIATSIS Foundation President, award winning film-maker, Rachel Perkins.

In her first speech as Foundation President, Ms Perkins spoke about why she has dedicated herself to support it.

Learn more about the new Foundation.

Rachel Perkins
1967 Referendum poster

The '67 Referendum

As we discuss recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the Australian Constitution, learn about what compelled the nation to make constitutional change in the 1967 Referendum.

It's not easy to change the Constitution. It takes years of campaigning, to win hearts and minds, as well as an army of dedicated people all coming together to form a groundswell of public support.

Learn why it was the referendum we had to have.

Russell Taylor meets Prince Charles
Indigenous Australians encounter exhibition

The recent opening of the landmark Indigenous Australia: Enduring Civilisation exhibition in London was an opportunity to pursue a dialogue about repatriation said our Principal, Russell Taylor.

Mr Taylor travelled to London to see key objects in the British Museum’s extensive collection of approximately 6,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artefacts.

Parts of the exhibition will then travel to the NMA later this year.

Read about other highlights from the trip.

June Oscar speaks at exhibition opening
Encountering truth

June Oscar AO, Bunuba woman and former AIATSIS Council member, delivered a lecture at the Centre for Australian Studies in London as part of the opening of the Enduring Civilizations exhibition at the British Museum. It was widely regarded as a highlight of the opening festivities.

A deeply poignant and powerful speech that captured the audience, June drew from her own experience and the rich cultural history of her Bunuba people, speaking of the journey of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their resilience, and reconciliation.

Is this the speech of the year?

Bernard Namok Jr with the Torres Strait Islander flag
Bernard Namok

The Torres Strait Islander flag was officially presented to the people of the Torres Strait at the sixth Torres Strait Cultural Festival on 29 May 1992.

It was designed by the late Bernard Namok from Thursday Island. Son of Bernard, Bernard Jr, was just nine-years-old when his dad designed the flag.

Bernard prepared a touching tribute to his father on the 21st anniversary of the presentation of the flag to the people of the Torres Strait.

Listen to Bernard Jr's tribute.

Governance report cover
Building governance

In Australia today there are an estimated 8000 to 9000 Indigenous organisations. Governance work is often seen by Indigenous people as nation-building: an expression of self-determination and a way of reconceptualising relations with governments and asserting unique cultural traditions.

This is a report from a recent forum to map current and future research and practical resource needs for building Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander governance.

Download the report.

Read about the survey that informed the forum.

Image sample 2
War Service on show

A mysterious collection item and photographs of Aboriginal servicemen who served in the Gallipoli campaign are the focus of a new display in the AIATSIS Stanner Room.

Staff members, Rita Metzenrath and John Richards, talk about the display as well as the unique and diverse collection items held at AIATSIS dedicated to Indigenous Australian war service.

Watch the video.

Ethical publishing guidelines cover
Ethical publishing guidelines

These guidelines for ethical publishing spring from Aboriginal Studies Press’ lived experience as an award-winning publisher. To date, there have been few rules of engagement for publishing Australia’s Indigenous writers, and much criticism of past practices.

The guidelines are signposts that reflect what ASP has experienced as best-practice rather than being overly prescriptive (or proscriptive). Presented accessibly, they are enlivened by practical tips and illuminating case studies.

Download the guidelines.

Rebecca King teaches Ngunawal language
School children benefit from language revival

An Indigenous language of the ACT and SE NSW region, Ngunawal, is now being taught in the classroom through a pilot program at Fraser Primary School in Canberra.

The program is the result of a joint effort between Ngunawal community members and linguists from AIATSIS who first met in early 2014 to discuss the possibility of working together on language revival.

Read more about the program.

Kaku Yalanji country
Don’t forget #NativeTitle15!

There’s still time to register for this year’s National Native Title Conference being held in Port Douglas from 16 - 18 June.

We’ll be live tweeting from the event using the hashtag #NativeTitle15.

Whether you’re in Port Douglas or not, you can join the conversation by adding #NativeTitle15 to your tweets.

Register for the conference now.


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