AIATSIS songlines
Issue 1, May 2014
A message from the Chair

Welcome to the inaugural AIATSIS e-newsletter. I am proud to present to you a small taste of happenings here at the Institute in 2014 – a very special year for us as we celebrate our 50th anniversary.

We’re very proud of our work, our people and our connection with community. So join us online, discover our treasures, enjoy the stories of the oldest continuing cultures in the world, and subscribe to keep yourself updated with our news and events.


Professor Mick Dodson, AIATSIS Chair

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Watch Mick's welcome video now.

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Sacred Lorrkkon Ceremony

AIATSIS launched the celebration of our 50th Anniversary with 30 dancers, singers and ceremonial elders from Arnhem Land converging on Reconciliation Place in Canberra Tuesday 25 March.

They performed a very special ceremony, a re-enactment of an ancient Aboriginal Lorrkkon Ceremony honouring Big Bill Neidjie – affectionately known as The Kakadu Man.

Watch the video now.


AIATSIS National Indigenous Studies Conference

In March, we held our biennial Indigenous Studies Conference with the theme Breaking Barriers in Indigenous Research and Thinking: 50 years on.

The conference brought together 500 delegates full of energy, ideas and expertise, to discuss, debate and workshop how far the field of Indigenous studies in Australia has come in the last half century – and what the future might hold.

Read more about the Conference or view the media coverage.

Rare photo of Indigenous involvement in the Boer War

In our collection is a very rare original photo of the Men of the 4th Contingent, Queensland Imperial Bushmen, on their return from the Boer War in August 1901. The vintage silver gelatin photograph on the original flush-cut mount was in excellent condition when we found it, but even more astounding was the Aboriginal serviceman clearly visible in the right side of the photo.

Current records indicate there were only a handful of Indigenous men that fought for our country in the Boer War, and though ANZAC day has come and gone, we will always remember Australia’s Indigenous servicemen and women.

Read the full story and view the photo.


Other news

Governor General sights rare record of Indigenous War Service

AIATSIS academic wins prestigious Lowitja Institute Student of the Year Award

Visiting Brazilian linguists travel blog

Back to my Country – The Gagudju Man (a featured online exhibition)

Vietnamese fact finding mission at AIATSIS

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Aboriginal Studies Press goes West

Lisa Fuller is a Wuilli Wuilli woman also descended from Wakka Wakka and Gurang Gurang mobs in South East Queensland. Lisa works for AIATSIS’ publishing arm, Aboriginal Studies Press, one of the few publishing houses dedicated to supporting Indigenous Australians through employment and publication of their stories.

Read the full story.


Upcoming events

Keep your eye on our calendar for other upcoming events.

Top_AIATSIS - celebrating fifty years
AIATSIS - celebrating fifty years
Bottom_AIATSIS - celebrating fifty years

This email was sent by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, 51 Lawson Crescent, Acton ACT, Australia 2601.