Aboriginal Sydney mobile app

The Aboriginal Sydney app is a companion to the Aboriginal Sydney book.Aboriginal Sydney app icon

The app allows you to explore Sydney’s Indigenous heritage �on the go’. Busy cities like Sydney can make it hard to see their Aboriginal heritage, but if you know where to look — sometimes just beneath your feet — the hidden layers of occupation appear. This Aboriginal Sydney app provides a glimpse of the vitality, diversity and complexity of Sydney’s Aboriginal life and historical and contemporary culture. It’s also an alternative social history.

Top features

With the Aboriginal Sydney app you can:

  • plan your tours to suit your available time – from 30 minutes to all day
  • choose your walk by locality or interest
  • use up-to-date GPS maps with easy-to-follow directions
  • be confident about culturally appropriate information
  • listen to contextual audio narrated by Kamilaroi man, Billy McPherson
  • find general information about facilities, opening hours, cost, public transport and links to websites of the sites where applicable.

Available from the iTunes Australia store and Android version on Googleplay.


Aboriginal Sydney App iPhone screenshot Aboriginal Sydeny App iPhone screenshot: A brief history