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Our Vision

Like Greens Parties around the world, the Australian Greens are founded upon four pillars: ecological sustainability, grassroots democracy, social justice and peace and non-violence. Read more »

Clean air, clean water and ecological sustainability are possible. Yet this is not being achieved. The Greens have evolved in this climate to show a new way forward. Read our charter »

The Greens have a plan to create a jobs-rich, clean energy future for South Australia that will transition our state’s economy into the 21st century. Read more »

The Greens are a genuine alternative, with a clear vision for South Australia. See more »

Our People

We love to meet all our members and supporters at picnics, phone banking and doorknocks. RSVP today »

Sunset in South Australia

Read our articles and interviews with our volunteers. Read more »

South Australian MPs Tammy Franks, Mark Parnell and Sarah Hanson-Young

We are here to be your voice and to fight for what matters to you. Find out more »

Our volunteers

Our volunteers are the heart of the party. Get involved »