Don’t be misled over Muslim video

Don’t be misled over Muslim video

DON’T believe the Muslim apologists. The Koran really does instruct men to beat wives who don’t obey, writes Andrew Bolt.

Domestic violence the Left won’t touch

Domestic violence the Left won’t touch

THE Left claims to defend women’s rights but is largely silent on the video of two Muslim women describing how a man should discipline his wife, writes Rita Panahi.

Trump’s small target sends huge message

Trump’s small target sends huge message

THERE may be method to Donald Trump’s madness in threatening North Korea — even if the world fears nuclear war, writes Andrew Bolt.

Mandatory jail terms are no way to cut crime

Mandatory jail terms are no way to cut crime

MATTHEW Guy’s plan to introduce mandatory jail terms will not only fail but also will be costly, ineffective and lead to injustice, writes Hugh de Kretser.

Politicians are all talk and no action

Politicians are all talk and no action

INEVITABLY when people are unhappy, it’s the government’s fault. But after talking with more and more voters, it’s obvious they’re sick of pollies who are all talk and no conviction, writes Tony Abbott.

Don’t try to blacken the people in blue

Don’t try to blacken the people in blue

BEING sceptical of authority isn’t necessarily bad, but there is a right time and reason to bag police, writes Andrew Rule.

Super split leaves voters in the cold

Super split leaves voters in the cold

THE policy to unlock retirement savings to address housing affordability was meant to be the policy that proved the government was listening, writes Annika Smethurst.

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Heart funds standoff

Heart funds standoff

A POLITICAL stalemate over the planned Heart Hospital threatens to blow out the cost for Victorian taxpayers.

Fatal failure in mental health

Fatal failure in mental health

VICTORIA’S violent crime crisis is directly linked to a chronic failure in the state’s mental health system, which has allowed dangerously volatile offenders free to kill.



Mark Latham goes to the streets of Liverpool to ask local Muslims whether Islam does indeed allow a man to hit a woman. First challenge: find someone who speaks English. After that, a lot of reassurance that Australia's tolerance is a value that catches on. Read more



My editorial from The Bolt Report: the media is wrong. Tony Abbott did not say Malcolm Turnbull shouldn't be replaced. He said Turnbull must lift ... or else.  Read more