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A surprise getaway

beth and darren We met in April 2012 here in Sydney via RSVP, it was following a weekend that Beth was away with a group of couples and had had enough with 'the single life' and decided she would go on a date with 'The next half decent guy' that sent her a message on RSVP.. I would like to introduce myself, I'm the next half decent guy..

After a number of dates in and around Sydney we spent a weekend away at the Royal national park where she finally gave in and acknowledged that there may be something worth pursuing, at which point she promptly asked me to be her boyfriend and travel with her to England to meet her family. An exciting holiday to the UK and even a weekend in Paris followed meeting friends and family which of cause came with its usual set of nerves. Apparently I passed the test and was allowed to continue to date Beth.

Fast forward many more dates, weekends away, travelling the country, a trip to Vietnam and mid way through this year I decided it was time to ask Beth if she would be my wife.. planning and plotting ensued and in a fateful weekend late October I woke Beth up on a Saturday morning and told her she needed to get ready.. she had no idea for what .. and after a little protesting she got up and ready. With limo and suitcase waiting outside she was bundled off to an undisclosed location (the airport) where she moved through security and to the boarding gate where the final destination was revealed, Ayres Rock.

We arrived late afternoon and later in the evening joined a group to experience 'sounds of silence', canapés at sunset overlooking Ayres rock, followed by a lovely dinner under the stars in the middle of the dessert. Shortly after main course I asked her to join me for a walk so we could get a better view of the night sky (not actually sure that was possible the stars were amazing from anywhere) .. but once we had moved away from the group I did ask her to marry me, and after checking if I had permission from her father (which thank god I did) she accepted.

Drinks, excitement, and phone calls followed and not long after returning to Sydney we started planning our special day.

We married at Elizabeth Bay House on the 24th of October 2014 and celebrated with our family and friends after transporting them via London Bus to Wolfies by Circular Quay.

We were lucky enough to have a long honeymoon and traveled South America perusing our passion for the outdoors, hiking, great food and wine.

People are still asking "so hows married life?". I think my wife sums it up best with the same response every time ~ blissful
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