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Homelessness crisis: Rise in number of people sleeping rough in St Kilda

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The number of rough sleepers on the Sacred Heart Mission's verandah in St Kilda has risen dramatically, sparking calls for a crisis meeting of welfare agencies to tackle homelessness. 

Rough sleeping in the inner bay-side area is expected worsen following the closure of the Gatwick Hotel and a looming crackdown on homelessness in the CBD.

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Closing time for notorious Gatwick Hotel

After decades of opening their doors to Melbourne's most downtrodden, the owners of St Kilda's Gatwick Hotel have been forced to put the low-cost boarding house up for sale.

Sacred Heart Mission is now calling on the Andrews government to provide more temporary shelter for people who have no alternative to sleeping rough, in addition to other recent funding commitments.

Although Sacred Heart Mission tolerated "a few people" sleeping on the verandah over the years, that number has now blown out to more than 20 each night.

In a letter to other service providers, the Sacred Heart Mission's chief executive Cathy Humphrey also raised concerns about drug use during the night by people not associated with the service.

"This is not a safe place for people to sleep, with reports of overdoses and assaults occurring overnight," she said. "Over the past three years there has been one fatality we are aware of and a stabbing which was nearly fatal."


Ms Humphrey also raised concerns about the "daily impact of human excrement", as well as the accumulation of hard rubbish and furniture.

"With people cooking and smoking nearby this also poses a fire risk," she said.

She said it was time for service providers to discuss ways to tackle the "escalating" rough sleeping issue, including raising the need for crisis accommodation in the City of Port Phillip with the state government.

Melbourne City Council is seeking to introduce laws that could ban rough sleeping in the CBD and also fine homeless people who leave their possessions unattended.

Ms Humphrey said Sacred Heart Mission was already feeling the effect of the Gatwick's closure and people feeling unwelcome in the CBD.

A program has been established to find accommodation for the permanent residents at the Gatwick. 

The City of Port Phillip has experienced an 81 per cent increase in requests to respond to people sleeping rough in the year to February. However, that figure may include multiple sightings of someone sleeping rough and more than one request from a resident.

The state government has announced a raft of upgrades for public housing estates in the past year, in addition to acting as guarantor for up to $1 billion of new social housing projects. It has also committed almost $10 million to tackle street sleeping in the CBD.

Housing Minister and local MP Martin Foley said he had not yet heard from Sacred Heart Mission about the rise in rough sleeping on the verandah.

"If there's an increase in numbers then we need to sit down with Sacred Heart and establish where people are coming from," he said.

Mr Foley said he would be surprised if more rough sleepers were coming to St Kilda from central Melbourne given reports numbers there were still "sadly quite high" even though relocations and housing programs were under way.

He said the government had also invested in local rooming house upgrades, including rebuilding a property in Fitzroy Street and another in South Melbourne. 

The Port Phillip Council estimates there are still about 200 people sleeping rough at any one time in the municipality, which was found in the 2011 Census. 

City of Yarra mayor Amanda Stone said rough sleeping had increased steadily over the past four years in the inner north but had not risen dramatically recently.