What’s really eating Tony Abbott

What’s really eating Tony Abbott
TONY Abbott says ousting Malcolm Turnbull would lead to an election loss, but there is one thing he wants from the PM.

Korea threatens ‘merciless’ attack

Korea threatens ‘merciless’ attack
NORTH Korea says “nuclear war may break out at any moment”, as Donald Trump urges the rogue nation to “behave”.

Trump’s not as bad as you think

Trump’s not as bad as you think
OPINION: Donald Trump has copped plenty of criticism as the US President, but he’s performed better than you would think.

Worst job ad on the planet

Worst job ad on the planet
THE most unpopular carrier on the planet, United Airlines, is advertising for the one job no one wants to do right now.

Trump slams protest: ‘Election is over!’

Trump slams protest: ‘Election is over!’
DONALD Trump has mocked nationwide protests demanding he release his tax returns in a vitriolic Easter Sunday tweetstorm.

Topless waitresses dish on bucks’ nights

Topless waitresses dish on bucks’ nights
THEY work fulltime jobs during the week and then waitress, sometimes topless, on weekends. And these girls are loving it.

When robots come for your job

When robots come for your job
TENS of thousands of Australians have already lost their jobs due to improving technology, but authors of a new book believe there is a way for the workforce to move on.

President Trump’s world is a mess

President Trump’s world is a mess
AMERICA was confident in sending a navy armada into Korean waters. But as the US teeters on the brink of war, the President is puzzling over his next move.

What you hadn’t heard about Kim Jong-un

What you hadn’t heard about Kim Jong-un
HE’S the hermit madman with big nuclear dreams, but President Kim Jong-un and his family also have a strong line in kooky myths. Here’s a list of the top 10.

Assad’s jaw-dropping interview

Assad’s jaw-dropping interview
SYRIAN dictator responds for the first time to chemical attack as father of gassed twins reacts with fury to TV appearance.

Do photos reveal what North Korea’s up to?

Do photos reveal what North Korea’s up to?
A FRENCH space agency has snapped some new photos of North Korea’s nuclear test site, and a closer inspection is causing alarm.

Team Trump called into question

Team Trump called into question
DONALD Trump likes to boast that he hires only the “top, top people”. But his personnel choices keep coming back to haunt him.

‘Things will be fine,’ Trump says

‘Things will be fine,’ Trump says
A DAY after declaring US relations with Russia “may be at an all-time low”, President Donald Trump has softened his tone.

Could war actually happen?

Could war actually happen?
THE drums of war are banging loudly as fear and anxiety grow. But how realistic is the prospect of a devastating conflict?

Queensland’s unluckiest job seeker?

Queensland’s unluckiest job seeker?
AFTER losing his job, a Queensland man began his search for a new role. Eight months and 640 applications later, he’s still looking.

‘Catastrophe’ ahead: North Korea

‘Catastrophe’ ahead: North Korea
IN THE latest dire warnings, Pyongyang has promised of “catastrophic’’ days because of the “grim action” the US has taken.

White House infighting: ‘Sort it out, or I will’

White House infighting: ‘Sort it out, or I will’
DONALD Trump has warned his staff to “straighten it out” amid reports of a bitter power struggle inside the White House involving the president’s son-in-law.

‘Fickle, unpredictable, dangerous’

‘Fickle, unpredictable, dangerous’
CHINA is poised to exploit Donald Trump’s move against North Korea by luring US allies into its grasp, says a former CIA analyst.

North Korea drops the N-word

North Korea drops the N-word
NORTH Korea has escalated its threats against the United States, putting nuclear weapons on the table. Donald Trump isn’t toning things down either.

Missile ‘could hit Australia in two years’

Missile ‘could hit Australia in two years’
AN AMERICAN diplomat has warned of the “extreme concern” that Australia is in North Korea’s firing line as our PM urges China to step in.

‘It’s not paid, but it’s great exposure’

‘It’s not paid, but it’s great exposure’
BECAUSE Tanya Hennessy works in a creative industry, people often think they can take advantage of her. These are the phrases she’s sick of hearing.

All not as it seems for Candyman

All not as it seems for Candyman
FAST cars, millions in the bank and nightly four-in-a-bed romps. But court hears Travers Beynon is up to something else.

Easy way to get another four day weekend

Easy way to get another four day weekend
AUSSIES are primed to snatch not one extra-long weekend, but two mini-breaks. And all you have to do is make one awkward phone call.

Putin ‘humiliated’ by air strike

Putin ‘humiliated’ by air strike
THE biggest loser from last week’s missile strikes in Syria wasn’t Bashar al-Assad. It was Vladimir Putin. Here’s why.

Man tasked with avoiding war

Man tasked with avoiding war
WITH relations between the US and Russia worsening since American air strikes in Syria, Donald Trump’s right-hand man heads to Moscow with a big task.

Top terror cop Catherine Burn sidelined

Top terror cop Catherine Burn sidelined
NSW Police deputy commissioner Catherine Burn has been the public face of five years of counter terror operations, but today she was stripped of the key role.

‘I’ve had a gutful’: Pauline Hanson fed up

‘I’ve had a gutful’: Pauline Hanson fed up
ONE Nation leader Pauline Hanson has issued a media ban on the ABC, refusing to grant interviews to the broadcaster because she’s “had a gutful”.

Real reason for Trump’s strike?

Real reason for Trump’s strike?
DONALD Trump performed a stunning backflip when he ordered the strike on Syria. This might be what changed his mind.

Why Pauline speaks the way she does

Why Pauline speaks the way she does
IN the 20 years since Pauline Hanson entered politics, a lot of things have changed. But her distinctive voice and halting speaking style isn’t one of them.

Five ways to screw up a job offer

Five ways to screw up a job offer
WOWING the interviewer may lead to a job offer — but there are five surprising things you can do, or not do, that could endanger it.