Governance and structure

AIATSIS is an Australian Government statutory authority established under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013. The Minister responsible for AIATSIS is the Hon Simon Birmingham MP, Minister for Education and Training. We sit within the portfolio of the Department of Education and Training.

AIATSIS operates under the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Act 1989 as amended by the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Amendment Act 2016. These amendments took effect on 12 February 2016.

Under the Act, the Council may:

  • appoint members who have a demonstrated interest in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
  • make rules to assist with the conduct of the Institute - AIATSIS Rules.

Read more about membership of AIATSIS.


AIATSIS is governed by a Council of nine members. The Council is responsible for ensuring proper and efficient performance across all of AIATSIS’ functions and setting its policies.

Read more about the AIATSIS Council and the Council charter.

Executive Board of Management

Under the oversight of AIATSIS’ Council, our organisation is comprised of six program areas each led by a program Director. This group of Directors make up the Executive Board of Management which is overseen by the Chief Executive Officer and Deputy Chief Executive Officer.

Organisation structure

Our program areas are:

  • Collections
  • Research
  • Aboriginal Studies Press
  • Communication and Engagement
  • Services
  • Executive
AIATSIS organisation structure
AIATSIS organisational structure


A number of committees support and contribute to AIATSIS’ work.

Committees that provide advice to the Council are:

Committees that provide advice to the Chief Executive Officer are:

Further reading

Past Chairs and Principals of AIATSIS.