Pricing & Plans

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free No time limit Fully Featured
75,000Total Images & Videos 7,500 Monthly Transformations
  • 2 GB Managed Storage
  • 5 GB Monthly Net Viewing Bandwidth
$49 / Month
$44 / Month
1 MillionTotal Images & Videos 75,000 Monthly Transformations
  • 15 GB Managed Storage
  • 50 GB Monthly Net Viewing Bandwidth
$149 / Month
$134 / Month
3 MillionTotal Images & Videos 200,000 Monthly Transformations
  • 50 GB Managed Storage
  • 200 GB Monthly Net Viewing Bandwidth
$249 / Month
$224 / Month
5 MillionTotal Images & Videos 400,000 Monthly Transformations
  • 120 GB Managed Storage
  • 400 GB Monthly Net Viewing Bandwidth
Enterprise / Custom Plans
Terabytes+ Millions+
Media files
Tailored solution for
your unique image needs
* One second of video manipulation is counted as two monthly transformations.

Compare Plans

  • FREE
  • Basic
  • Plus
  • Adv-anced
  • Enter-prise

    Fast image uploads: secure upload API, version management, remote upload from public URLs, direct uploading from the browser, image transformation on upload, private images support.

    Safe high-end storage, leveraging Amazon S3.

    Secure redundant backup of all original images uploaded to Cloudinary.

    Access historical versions of the same resource.

    Cloud-based image transformations, lazy transformations on demand, eager transformations while uploading, named transformations.

    Format conversion, rounded corners, opacity manipulation, image flipping, image borders, arbitrary image rotation, automatic rotation based on aspect-ratio or EXIF data.

    Image filters & effects: grayscale, black & white, sepia, brightness, contrast, saturation, hue, oil paint, vignette and pixelate, gradient fade, blur, improve, tilt shift, sharpen, color channels, vibrance, fill light and more.

    Supported formats: JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, ICO, PDF, EPS, PSD, SVG, AI, DjVu, WebP, JPEG-XR, JPEG 2000, FLIF.

    Chain multiple transformations together.

    Image cropping, filling, fitting, padding, scaling, limiting.

    Percentage based resizing, custom coordinates and gravity based cropping. Circles & ellipses cropping.

    Face detection based image cropping and multiple faces detection.

    Embed multiple images one on top of the other, create watermarks, collages and complex effects.

    Embed text on top of your images, add textual captions, attributions or copyright notices. Dynamically build advertisement banners with variable content, coupons, greeting cards, business cards and more. Choose from hundreds of available fonts or use your own custom font.

    API for uploading videos from your back-end application or directly from the browser or mobile application.

    Automatic video format conversion and normalization for optimized view on all web browsers and mobile devices.

    Rich set of video manipulation capabilities: scale up or down, crop, rotate, modify quality, video codec settings, bit rate control, video cutting, thumbnail generation, conversion to animated GIF and lots more.

    Dynamic delivery URLs with on-the-fly conversion, real-time manipulation while streaming video content.

    Worldwide CDN delivery with streaming support for best performance.

    Interactive Media Library for browsing through your video files.

    SDKs for all popular web and mobile development frameworks for easy integration with HTML5 sites and mobile apps.

    Many supported video containers and codecs, including: mp4, webm, flv, mov, ogv, 3gp, 3g2, wmv, mpeg, avi.

    PDF to image conversion and thumbnail generation, multi-page PDF support, create PDF from separate images.

    Sprite generation: merge multiple images into a single image (sprite), automatic CSS generation. Batch transformation of multiple sprite members.

    Animated GIFs: Resize, crop and apply effects on animated GIFs. Generate animated GIFs from multiple images. Extract a single frame from an animated GIF.

    Social networks profile extraction, smart cropping of profile pictures, placeholder default image support and automatic refresh of profile pictures. Supported networks - Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Gravatar.

    Video thumbnail extraction from popular video sites: YouTube, Hulu, Vimeo, Animoto, Dailymotion

    High performance delivery through CDN. Multiple CDN support - Amazon CloudFront and Akamai. Virtually limitless scale.

    Public HTTP and secure HTTPS access to resources, multiple CDN sub-domains support and smart cache settings.

    Automatic lossless PNG, JPG, SVG and GIF (including animated GIF) size optimization. Automatic WebP delivery on supported browsers. Dynamic JPG quality control. Automatic stripping of image metadata.

    Advanced management console and analytics. Detailed reports and actionable usage insights.

    Complete online Digital Asset Management solution with both interactive and full API access. Upload images individually or in bulk, browse existing images, tag images, view and edit image metadata and more.

    Secure RESTful APIs: image upload API, raw files upload API, image tag management API, dynamic URL based API and administration & backoffice API.

    Easy access to image's Exif, IPTC and XMP information.

    Semantic data extraction: predominant colors detection, color histogram and coordinates of detected faces.

    Cloudinary includes a complete manual image moderation solution to fit into your existing image management pipeline. The service includes a UI console to view and moderate selected uploaded images, and API access to the moderation queues with relevant callbacks.

    Ruby on Rails integration: open source GEM library, CarrierWave plugin, ActiveRecord integration, view helper methods, fast migration tool, replacing RMagick, MiniMagick, ImageMagick and other misspelled magics.

    Python and Django: open source Python library, PyPI package available, template helper methods.

    Node.js: open source Node.js library, NPM package available, view building helper functions.

    PHP: open source PHP library, full sample projects available, view helper methods.

    .NET: open source .NET library, NuGet package available, view helper methods.

    Javascript and jQuery: open source jQuery plugin, client-side image transformation support, direct upload from browser to Cloudinary.

    AngularJS: open source Angular plugin.

    Perl: open source Perl library, Mojolicious integration.

    Java: open source Java library.

    Scala: open source Scala library.

    iOS: open source iOS SDK, safe mobile upload support.

    Android: open source Android SDK.

    PaaS integration add-ons: Heroku, Window Azure, EngineYard.

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    Cloudinary takes care of your entire image management pipeline. With Cloudinary Add-ons, you can enhance your images even further with powerful functionality.

    Cloudinary's add-ons enable automatic image moderation, image categorization, smarter cropping, advanced image compression, face attributes detection, website screenshot generation and more, through a single click integration.

    All add-ons are available via simple Cloudinary API calls without requiring separate manual integration with each external service, delivering a seamless image rich web and mobile experience.

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    Give multiple users access to your Cloudinary online administration console. Users can be associated with four different roles: Admin, Technical Admin, Billing, Editor. Non-admin users have limited access to different areas of the online console based on their roles.

    User administration can be used in conjunction with our multi-account support to manage all your Cloudinary users and brands from a single online management console.

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    You can serve images via your own domain name instead of via using the CNAME feature.

    Serving HTTP traffic is included by default. Serving HTTPS secure traffic on your custom CNAME requires an additional fee, which varies depending on the type of SSL certificate you need.

    Contact us for details.

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    With our multi-accounts feature, you can manage multiple different Cloudinary account (brands) under a single master paying account. All your accounts will share the master account's quotas, and will be managable from a single dashboard.

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    • Free
    • Basic
    • Plus
    • Advanced
    • Enterprise
    • Maximum number of users
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 10
    • Custom
    • Maximum number of accounts
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • 1
    • Custom
    • Admin API limit
    • 500
    • 2000
    • 2000
    • 2000
    • Custom
    • Maximum image file size
    • 10 MB
    • 20 MB
    • 20 MB
    • 40 MB
    • Custom
    • Maximum raw file size
    • 10 MB
    • 20 MB
    • 20 MB
    • 40 MB
    • Custom
    • Maximum image megapixels
    • 25 MP
    • 25 MP
    • 25 MP
    • 50 MP
    • Custom
    • Maximum total number of megapixels in all frames
    • 50 MP
    • 50 MP
    • 50 MP
    • 50 MP
    • Custom
    • Maximum video file size
    • 40 MB
    • 100 MB
    • 100 MB
    • 300 MB
    • Custom
    • Maximum online video manipulation size
    • 40 MB
    • 100 MB
    • 100 MB
    • 100 MB
    • Custom
    *Contact us if your use case requires different limits

Frequently Asked Questions

Cloudinary is an end-to-end image management solution for your website and mobile apps. Cloudinary covers everything from image uploads, storage, manipulations, optimizations to delivery.

You can easily upload images to the cloud, automatically perform smart image manipulations without installing any complex software. All your images are then seamlessly delivered through a fast CDN, optimized and using industry best practices.

Cloudinary offers comprehensive APIs and administration capabilities and is easy to integrate with new and existing web and mobile applications.

Of-course. Cloudinary has a fully-featured free plan available. Sign up takes just a few seconds and you're ready to go. Sign up now!

You can use the free plan for as long as you want. If your usage requirements ever grow above the free plan's generous usage limits, you can easily upgrade to the plan that best fits your needs.

Cloudinary's pricing covers your end-to-end image-related costs - image management, processing, transformations, effects and manipulation features, all managed storage and IO costs and all image viewing bandwidth usage & requests costs while delivering images through Akamai's CDN, and of-course the service itself (APIs, SDKs, admin console, support, availability, etc.).

Cloudinary's price will always be more cost effective than doing all of this in-house.

Of-course. Cloudinary can handle virtually limitless amount of image uploads, transformations and deliveries. Contact us and tell us about your unique requirements. We'll tailor a plan perfect for your needs.

Integration with Cloudinary is very straightforward. In addition, we have client libraries for all popular development frameworks, thorough documentation, easy to use APIs, and great support. We've got you covered :)

Many thousands of websites and mobile applications world-wide. You can see a few of our clients featured on our homepage. Check out what people are saying about us on Twitter.

Cloudinary's limits are soft limits. Once you exceed these, we'll ping and ask you nicely to upgrade to a plan that best covers your needs.

You can upgrade your free or paid account at any time from your management console. Just click any of the upgrade links. You will be discounted for the unused monthly period of your previous plan.

Once on Cloudinary, all of your website's images will be optimized, cached and served via Akamai.

Yes, but not with our off-the-shelf plans. Please contact us if you need a custom quote with your own CDN.

Once uploaded to Cloudinary, your images are safely stored on Cloudinary's Amazon S3 account using multiple backups and multi-region redundancies. If you wish, we can automatically back your images to your own S3 as well (available to any of our paid plans), or you can use our APIs to browse your existing images and copy them to your own storage solution. Our Premium customers can choose to store their Cloudinary raw assets on their own S3, managing redundancies and availability themselves.

Yes. Cloudinary offers a complete image-management solution, but will manage any file type you throw at it, including videos, textual files and more. Cloudinary will serve such non-image files as-is. Do notice that you can not use Cloudinary to manage illegal or highly controversial content. If you're uncertain whether your files fall into this category, you may want to read our TOS and our CDN partner's Acceptable Use Policy.

Total images are the sum of original resources and derived resources currently stored in your Cloudinary account. Monthly transformations is the number of times an original is uploaded or a derived resource is created for the first time. Images and videos accessed subsequently to initial creation, do not increment the monthly transformations counter.

Video storage and viewing is counted towards your storage and bandwidth limits exactly as images do.

When videos are uploaded to Cloudinary, or manipulated, each 1 second of standard definition video is counted as 2 "transformations" towards your quota. HD video is counted as 4 transformations.

Notice that each uniquely manipulated video is counted only once. This means that if you generate a new 10 seconds SD video it will be counted as 20 transformations, regardless if your users view it once or a million times.

You can view the exact monthly transformations usage breakdown in your Cloudinary dashboard.

Cloudinary, unlike CDN providers, counts only net viewing bandwidth. We do not count or charge you extra for non-US traffic, HTTPS traffic, Midgress bandwidth, TCP overheads, and don't charge you according to the number of files viewed (cost per request) or for traffic to origin.

Together with Cloudinary's extensive image and video size optimization capabilities, your actual bandwidth with Cloudinary should end up considerably less than your current bandwidth.

You can post a message on our support site, or email Feedback, partnerships and general inquiries? Contact us here.