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The ABC: what should go, what should stay, and what needs fixing

Let me rise in defence of public broadcasting, not an unqualified defence to be sure but resistance to the idea that public service broadcasting represents a luxury the country can ill afford.

Let's also confront the misuse to which endless debate about public broadcasting's alleged bias has become a weapon in this country's culture wars to no one's benefit least of all consumers.

Bias exists, of course, but criticism tends more often than not to reside in the eye of the beholder. We'll return to this.

If it is any comfort to managers at our own public broadcasters, the ABC and SBS, they are far from alone among their counterparts worldwide in finding themselves under siege from the ideologically motivated or those with commercial interests at stake.

And let's not disregard taxpayers' expectations they will get value for money invested in their public broadcasters, including reasonable confidence they will not have views with which they disagree stuffed down their throats.

In Britain, the BBC has been obliged to cut its cloth – and redefine its mission under pressure from a Conservative government. In the United States, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) is under threat of de-funding under a new president antipathetic to media predisposed to air critical views.


However, when it dawns on the Trump administration that removing financial support for the CPB will most affect rural programming, I would be surprised if these cuts were implemented.

This is analogous to our own situation.

When Pauline Hanson threatened to withhold her backing for government legislation unless $600 million was sliced from the ABC's budget over the forward estimates leading the push-back was National's leader Barnaby Joyce.

Hanson objected particularly to a 4 Corners program that had raised questions over her One Nation party's finances, telling reporters she'd "had a gutful of the media".

Her threatened use of her Senate numbers to penalise the national broadcaster would not seem to be an appropriate course. She has every right to pursue her case through the ABC's complaints procedures, or resort to the courts.

The ABC's conservative critics decry polling that finds overwhelming support for the national broadcaster, but even if affection for the organisation is exaggerated it remains far and away the country's most trusted news source.

In an era of fake news and social media hyperbole this should be a cherished attribute.

Now, let's consider the issue of bias and what remedies the ABC might adopt to counter legitimate – albeit exaggerated – criticism of an internal culture that trends in one direction.

Incoming ABC chair Justin Milne has rejected suggestions of a cultural bias. In the circumstances what else could he say before he had settled in to his job?

But if we accept there are reasonable criticisms of an ABC tilt there are steps that Milne could take to ensure that oversight of the ABC's news and current affairs programs meet the organisation's own declared editorial standards.

First and foremost he could insist on the installation of an editor-in-chief, removing this responsibility from managing director Michelle Guthrie, who has no journalistic experience.

The advantage of a news supremo is that it would improve the organisation's accountability at a sufficiently senior level.

One of the Milne's challenges, in partnership with Guthrie, will be to answer persistent criticism the ABC is a "conservative free zone", as if inseminating the organisation with a few conservative talking heads would better serve the community interest

Milne's response to conservative criticism has been to say the "ABC wants to drive a straight line down the middle of Australia". That, as any news executive will tell you, is more easily said than done and risks an anodyne approach that will turn people off.

Speaking of turning people off, Milne might encourage Guthrie to implement a comprehensive review (if she is not doing so) of the ABC's news and currents affairs output.

While 4 Corners remains an example of the best of Australian television the same could not be said of some of the national broadcaster's other front-line programs, and its television news service. State news services are tired along with the struggling program Lateline.

What should be considered is an hour-long national news bulletin that would combine news and the 7.30 Report into a livelier format. The formulaic Media Watch could do with an overhaul from its present "gotcha" approach to one in which provision was made for controversial media subjects to be addressed a la the BBC.

I would extend the program to acknowledge intense community interest in media matters.

This would have the additional advantage of providing a safety valve for ABC critics to vent their views on the "taxpayer-funded" broadcaster, including criticism of the ABC itself.

Finally, the government might bolster public broadcasting in this country by resurrecting plans to merge the ABC and SBS thus making better use of resources, and opening the way for a merged entity to accept advertising via SBS's remit.

Arguments to preserve the separation of the public service broadcasters become less compelling by the year.

Tony Walker is a vice-chancellor's fellow at La Trobe University, and a Fairfax Media columnist.