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Peter Capaldi's final Doctor Who with Pearl Mackie as new companion Bill Potts

Peter Capaldi is a little wistful and sentimental at the passing of his Doctor Who.

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Peter Capaldi has just died.

"I did it the other day," he says.

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How was it?

"It was a strange day. It was explosive. He goes out a fighter."

This is Capaldi's last season as Doctor Who.

The first episode is yet to screen, but he is already shooting his last moments.


On a promotional break in London from the hectic schedule at the Cardiff studios, Capaldi stretches out in his chair – wearing a grey T-shirt under a blue jacket, he comes across as eccentric, imposing and friendly.

He smiles, but he's also a little wistful, a little sentimental.

We, the viewers, have 12 episodes (plus Christmas special) of monsters and travels through the universe to savour this year. But already we know that at the end there will be a moment that only one character in all of fiction does: dying yet not dying, changing yet not changing.

"It feels sad because you're going to say goodbye to everybody you've worked with for three years," Capaldi says.

But he's also saying goodbye to a part of himself.

"I am sentimental about it, I am," he says. "It's sad because you know that you know you won't be Doctor Who any more. But it's sort of joyful because you've made it, you've survived it, and there are other things available for you to do.

"It's a very special part. You don't take it on to skim it or phone it in. You embrace it, and it takes over your life – completely."

This is his third season as a Time Lord. One of his predecessors (Tom Baker) managed seven, but the modern reboot demands a quicker turnover (with Death in Paradise's Kris Marshall rumoured to have been cast, which the BBC has denied).

There is also a turnover at the top: Steven Moffat is stepping down as lead writer and executive producer after the Christmas special. He's been around a while – he wrote two episodes of the original 2005 reboot series with Christopher Eccleston, and took over the reins on series five in 2010.

He will be replaced by Broadchurch writer Chris Chibnall, who began writing episodes of Doctor Who in series three in 2007.

Unlike Capaldi, Moffat is unsentimental about his finale.

He scoffs at the notion he may have shed a tear as he wrote the last scenes of Capaldi's – and his – Doctor Who.

"I don't cry," he says. "Dry as a bone, me."

But he does promise "all your trauma needs" will be served by the series climax.

It was almost an accident that he got to write this last round.

"I vaguely thought the previous series was my last, but I neglected to inform anybody of that," he says. "I was rounding it off, I finished the story of River Song. But I hadn't got my arse in gear (to bring in Chibnall)."

"I was really quite glad," he says. But he didn't have a grand plan ready to go.

"You just start again – but that's what you always do – you do that once an episode, what are we going to open those blue doors on, what exciting thing that we've never seen before are we going to see this week? Because that's how Doctor Who works.

"Yes we have a series arc but it's always quite tidily managed until we get to the end. Doctor Who is always about the story of the week. At its heart, deep in its DNA it's episodic. It's almost an anthology show."

This series the Doctor has a new "companion" to fight Daleks beside. Pearl Mackie plays "Bill", a no-nonsense self-taught woman who challenges the Doctor on questions he's never had to answer before (such as, why is the Tardis called a Tardis, when the acronym only works in English?).

Moffatt says Bill started as a "tone of voice or an attitude" that he wanted to play with, and a character grew around it.

"She was quite earthy, she was quite fascinated by the Doctor but not in awe, she's very questioning," he says. "She's very sci-fi literate and she just asks the questions that people tend not to ask … She's the one who points out the reasonable things, 'why don't you just …?'."

Finding Bill was like "hitting a note inside myself", he says. Then when Mackie turned up to audition "I can't remember how I previously thought of the part," he says. "I can't remember Bill pre-Afro."

Moffatt is tired of discussing one early choice: for Bill to be gay. It made the news ("the world went mad", he says) and he doesn't think it should have.

He was writing a scene, and instinctively felt that Bill should be attracted to women, so he wrote it that way and moved on.

"We neither expect nor deserve any kind of pat on the back for this," he says. "It's normal, it's ordinary and it's fine … in a way I would like there to be less fuss."

Mackie says it was a "cool" character note, but it didn't hugely affect how she played the part. The character was "all there" when she read the audition script, she says.

"I read it and I thought 'I know her', I kind of got it. I felt like I knew what to do with it. I then practised it 5 million times in front of my computer."

Once she got the role – her first significant TV job – she had to learn a lot fast.

"We filmed the trailer first and Peter (Capaldi) said something to me: he said it's a big old beast this show, there's so much of it and so much that isn't the actual filming of the show, it's easy to get caught up in that stuff. But (Capaldi said) you're here because you're a really good actress and this is what we're here for, to make the best possible show we can.

"That's something that really stuck with me."

This anecdote reminds Moffatt of the advice Matt Smith gave to Capaldi when he passed on the Who baton – "he said you go in there, they blow up things around you, remember to act".

Capaldi is still fascinated by the character he's playing – "He's dressed up as a human being but he's not a human being. He's a creature of the universe and the cosmos, he's quite mysterious and romantic. That gives him this extra power."

And, of course, he has the Tardis, which makes the story more intimate. It could turn up in your bedroom – a "mix of The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe, and War of the Worlds. It's a mix of fairytale and sci-fi".

As for this series, he will only reveal "I've had to do a lot of running away from monsters, because that's my job".

He's enjoyed working with Mackie – her character's arrival has been like a "reboot" of the series, he says, "back to basics, hardcore Doctor Who".

Next he wants to do something avant garde, maybe something on the stage, he says. But there's no firm project yet.

He says he's taken a new discipline and energy from Doctor Who – and he's learned how to "conjure the ethereal" while being stuck in a noisy, freezing power station in South Wales on a Monday night.

"There's that cosmic thing – it sounds daft but it's what keeps it alive. Trying to keep all that baloney going in your head, to keep it accessible, is a good acting lesson.

"I don't think there are many parts I can apply it to, though."

He laughs.

"I'll never ever be asked to do that again, to be in touch with the cosmos. Perhaps I could play a down-and-out hippie, found on a beach somewhere, wasted."