

Trump will 'take action' on North Korea, says national security adviser, McMaster

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President Donald Trump's National Security Adviser, HR McMaster, said on Sunday the United States is exploring "a range of options" to respond to an increasingly provocative North Korea but that the administration would like "to take action short of armed conflict, so we can avoid the worst."

McMaster's comments came on a weekend during which North Korea staged a huge parade in Pyongyang to showcase its military prowess and later launched a ballistic missile that exploded within seconds.

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Appearing on This Week on ABC News in the US, McMaster called the failed test part of "a pattern of provocative and destabilising and threatening behaviour on the part of the North Korean regime."

"The President has made clear that he will not accept the United States and its allies and partners in the region being under threat from this hostile regime with nuclear weapons," he said.

"It's clear that the President is determined not to allow this kind of capability to threaten the United States. And our President will take action that is in the best interest of the American people."

He said Trump had directed the National Security Council to collaborate with the Defense and State Departments, and intelligence agencies, to "provide options and have them ready for him if this pattern of destabilising behaviour continues."


Hours after the failed test, McMaster emphasised Trump's preference, as with this month's airstrikes in Syria, for unannounced military action. He added that the North Korean leader's unpredictability complicated US strategy.

McMaster, an Army lieutenant general, made the case for global action on the issue, including enlisting North Korean neighbour China, given the "brutality" of Kim's regime.

"This is someone who has demonstrated his brutality by murdering his own brother, by murdering others in his family, by imprisoning large numbers of people in horrible conditions for no reason, for political reasons," McMaster said.

"So this regime has given the world reason for concern. And that includes – that includes the Chinese people and the Chinese leadership as well."

While McMaster conceded that estimates on North Korea's weapons capabilities "vary widely," even failed missile tests can allow them to improve their programs, he said.

The US and allies have been locked in long-standing hostility with North Korea, as the latter remains technically at war with its neighbour to the South since a truce to the Korean War more than 60 years ago. Successive US presidents have struggled to contain three successive dictators, and to break a cycle that has been defined by sanctions, sanctions relief and unsettling actions including missile tests and nuclear weapons development.

McMaster's use of words such as "provocative" and "destabilising" to describe North Korea echoes administrations of both parties that have attempted to rally others on the global stage, including China, to help prevent fresh war on the peninsula. Trump used similar language in his February visit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

The Washington Post