HP Spectre x360 review: 363 reasons why it beats a MacBook Pro

The screen on HP's new Spectre x360 folds all the way around.
The screen on HP's new Spectre x360 folds all the way around. Supplied

A year ago it might have come as a shock to learn that the world's most boring PC maker, HP, was now the world's number one PC maker, ahead of Lenovo, Dell, Apple and Acer.

But a year ago HP hadn't come out with exquisite notebooks like the Spectre, one of our favourite notebooks of 2016, and it hadn't come out with the 2017 Spectre x360, a convertible notebook that could well turn out to be one of our favourite computers of 2017.

HP has certainly upped its game, and so to hear that it's now not just the most popular PC maker, but also the fastest growing, well it's hardly shocking at all. Its PCs are now anything but dull, and indeed are so compelling that we're going to review both the Spectre x360 here and the EliteBook x360 in a few weeks in a sort of two-part homage to the resurrected PC maker.

And, though I'm about to say a lot of nice things about the Spectre x360, none of them should be taken as license to race out and buy one. The EliteBook, which I've seen but not reviewed, looks like it might be even better than the Spectre, so wait for that review before listening to me.

This is the regular notebook mode, which you'll probably use 99.999 per cent of the time.
This is the regular notebook mode, which you'll probably use 99.999 per cent of the time. Supplied

The Spectre x360 is the more consumer-oriented model of the two, so named because its screen opens up almost 360 degrees so you can use it as a tablet with the screen fully wrapped around the keyboard, as a notebook with the screen opened the usual 100 or so degrees, or as a little tent for your Barbie dolls with the screen opened 220 degrees or so. (There may be other uses for the so-called "tent" mode on convertible notebooks, such as using it for video playback in economy class seats when the person in front of you has selfishly reclined their seat, but using it for action figures is the best one I can think of. Really, does anyone really use tent mode?)

Welcome relief

I approached this Spectre x360 review as someone who has been using an Apple MacBook Pro for 8 hours a day for the past four months, and I have to say there are many respects in which the HP is a welcome relief.

Not the least of which is a simple one: it has a regular USB port, and not just the new-fangled USB C ports that many ultra-portable PCs (including the MacBook) have limited themselves to. In the mere week I've been using the Spectre x360, that tiny, stupid port has completely saved my bacon on at least two occasions.

Ahhh, the dongle life.

They call this the "tent" mode, but it should be called the  "economy class video when the selfish person in front of ...
They call this the "tent" mode, but it should be called the "economy class video when the selfish person in front of you has reclined their seat" mode. Supplied

But it's actually the keyboard, and more to the point the presence of a regular row of function buttons leading to the absence of the MacBook's Touch Bar, that is most welcome.

Much as I love the look of the Touch Bar on the MacBook Pro, and much as I swear it will come in handy one day, my god it drives me nuts. There's talk that Apple may tweak it so it doesn't respond to accidental touches, but until that day comes all I can say is that if I accidentally touch the Siri button or the escape button one more time, so that Siri pops up and says "Sorry, I didn't get that" when there was nothing to get, or so that some web form I have laboriously filled in suddenly disappears before I get to send it, well I just might give up on the MacBook for good.

Besides, the keyboard on the Spectre x360 is much easier on the fingertips. Both Apple and HP have done a lot of work developing their keyboards of late, and while Apple's is now a masterpiece of accuracy and efficiency, HP's is a masterpiece of comfort. I could type on this thing all day.

While I'm on the topic, the trackpad is also terrific, one of the best you'll find on an ultra-portable Windows machine, though comfort aside the MacBook's is better and easier to use. (Again, the Apple technology is highly advanced – in this case it actually fakes clicks, but never actually moves when you click on it – but fatiguing to use for long periods).

Bezel problems

For the 2017 model of the Spectre x360, HP has shaved a centimetre or so off the width of the machine, by reducing the size of the bezel at the left and right edges of the screen so that you get a 13.3-inch display in what amounts to a 12-inch chassis.

It's a welcome improvement, but as with last year's Spectre, I do wish HP had gone a step further and reduced the bezel size on the top and bottom of the screen, thereby changing the screen's aspect ratio from 16:9 – which is perfect for watching videos but less than perfect for working productively on, it's so long and thin – to the 16:10 aspect ratio used on the MacBook, or better yet the 3:2 aspect ratio that Microsoft has adopted for its marvellous Surface PCs.

Like the Surface, the Spectre x360 does have a digitiser pen (though unlike the Surface there's no easy way to store it), and when you spin the screen around to put the machine in tablet mode, that pen does work marvellously well, especially now that Microsoft has released a new version of Windows 10, known as the Creators Update, that has improved inking features.

Still, for anyone serious about using a digitiser pen on their computer, it might be best to wait to see what the HP EliteBook has to offer. Oddly enough, considering it's the more business-oriented machine, the EliteBook has a much better stylus and digitiser than the Spectre, one that we hope might compete with the Pencil on Apple's iPad Pro for serious artists and photographers. We're very keen to try it out when our EliteBook arrives in coming weeks.

But either way, the HP has a vastly better stylus and digitiser than the MacBook Pro, which doesn't even have a touch screen much less an inking system.

If only Apple would bite the bullet and move to touch screens, well, it might one day even become the world's number one PC maker itself. A shocking thought, I know.