Mike Pence warns North Korea not to test Trump's resolve

US Vice-President Mike Pence says "all options are on the table".
US Vice-President Mike Pence says "all options are on the table". AP

US Vice-President Mike Pence has warned North Korea not to test Donald Trump's resolve and said "all options are on the table" to achieve the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula while any escalation would be met with an "overwhelming" response.

Mr Pence called on the "entire international community" to join together and confront Pyongyang to demand it abandon its nuclear program after earlier on Monday using a visit to a border area between North and South Korea to declare the era of "strategic patience is over".

In a sign the new administration is looking to adopt a significantly more assertive stance on North Korea, Mr Pence explicitly linked recent military actions taken in Syria and Afghanistan to a potential US response to any further provocations from Pyongyang.

"Just in the last two weeks, the world witnessed the strength and resolve of our new president in actions taken in Syria and Afghanistan," he said in Seoul.

North Korean firepower: Are they utterly mad?
North Korean firepower: Are they utterly mad? AP

"North Korea would do well not to test his resolve or the strength of the armed forces of the United States in this region."

"We will defeat any attack and we will meet any use of conventional or nuclear weapons with an overwhelming and effective response."

The remarks came just a day after a failed missile launch by North Korea, which Mr Pence described as a "provocation" on his arrival in South Korea.

The US Vice-President is on a 10 day swing through Asia, which includes a stop in Tokyo and a visit to Australia later this week, as the security situation on the Korean Peninsula is viewed as the most dangerous in two decades.

Mr Pence said Mr Trump was hopeful China would use its "extraordinary levers" to pressure North Korea to abandon its nuclear ambitions. He also reiterated the alliance between South Korea and the US was "iron clad" and Pyongyang should "not mistake the resolve of the United States of America to stand with our allies".

US and South Korean soldiers, foreground, and North Korean soldiers, background, stand guard in the truce village of ...
US and South Korean soldiers, foreground, and North Korean soldiers, background, stand guard in the truce village of Panmunjom in the Demilitarised Zone in Paju, South Korea. Bloomberg

"The era of strategic patience is over," he said during his visit to the Demilitarised Zone. 

'Most dangerous and urgent threat'

At the joint press conference later on Monday afternoon, Mr Pence and South Korea's acting President Hwang Kyo-ahn gave statements but did not take any questions. The pair agreed to continue the early deployment in South Korea of the US missile defence system, known as THAAD, and Mr Pence said he was troubled by China's response to the rollout. China has long been wary of US military presence in the region and is concerned about the system's surveillance capabilities. It has stepped up economic pressure on South Korea, targeting the tourism industry and retail giant Lotte, which agreed to provide the land that will host THAAD.

​At the same time, the US and China have kept up a constant dialogue throughout the latest tense period on the Korean Peninsula, both through communication between Mr Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and China's top diplomat Yang Jiechi.

Mr Pence said North Korea was the "most dangerous and urgent threat to peace and security" in the region. He said since 1992 the US and its allies have been hoping to achieve the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula.

"We hope to achieve that objective through peaceable means but all options are on the table," he said.

The gradual ratcheting up of pressure on North Korea from the Trump administration has come amid reports Pyongyang could develop a nuclear-armed inter-continental ballistic missile within the next four years. A weapon like this could be used to target the west coast of the United States or even Australia.

The focus on North Korea by the Trump administration has put renewed pressure on China to rein in its ally by cutting off economic aid and enforcing tougher sanctions.

Mr Trump has even linked China's efforts on North Korea to broader trade policy between Beijing and Washington.


"Why would I call China a currency manipulator when they are working with us on the North Korea problem? We will see what happens!," Mr Trump tweeted on Sunday.

Mr Trump has previously said North Korea was "looking for trouble".

"If China decides to help, that would be great. If not, we will solve the problem without them! U.S.A," he said.

The visit of Mr Pence to the region coincided with the start of joint military exercises on Monday between the US and South Korean air forces and the presence of a US carrier group in the region.

"This exercise will rigorously test our aerial combat capability and highlights the ironclad commitment between the US and [South Korea]," said Lt. Gen. Thomas W. Bergeson, commander of the 7th Air Force.

The comments by Mr Pence on "strategic patience" suggest the new US administration will not allow North Korea to develop its nuclear program unchallenged.

An unnamed adviser travelling with Mr Pence told reporters over the weekend the US would hold back on any military or diplomatic response to Sunday's failed missile test.

But the advisor warned of "other actions" if Pyongyang had proceeded with its sixth underground nuclear test over the weekend.

There was speculation that such a test would coincide with Saturday's celebration to mark the 105th anniversary of the birth of the country's founder, Kim Il-sung, grandfather of leader Kim Jong-un. Another important anniversary will be marked on April 25, when the country's military marks the anniversary of its founding.

The foreign policy official said Sunday's test by North Korea was probably of a medium-range missile, and he signalled the US was not likely to take action. 

"For this particular case, if they took the time and energy to launch a missile that failed, we don't need to expend any resources against that," the official told reporters.

"We weren't surprised by it, we were anticipating it. It wasn't a matter of if, it was a matter of when. The good news is that after five seconds it fizzled out."

There is speculation the US used a cyber-strike to ensure the missile launch failed, although this has not been confirmed.


As the US takes a more aggressive stance towards North Korea, a veteran Chinese diplomat who was heavily involved in negotiations to denuclearise North Korea said the region faced its "most dangerous" situation in more than 20 years.

Yang Xiyu, who was the founding director of the Chinese foreign ministry's Korean Peninsula office, said the last time tensions were running this high was in 1994, when the Clinton administration planned a military strike on a small nuclear reactor at Yongbyon in North Korea.

"Now the US is once again seriously considering some kind of military strikes on either North Korea's missile or nuclear facilities," Mr Yang told The Australian Financial Review

In a show of force, Washington has sent the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier and its battle group to the region, prompting an angry response from Pyongyang.

A spokesman for the North Korean Foreign Ministry said last week that "if the US dares opt for a military action, crying out for 'pre-emptive attack' and 'removal of the headquarters', [North Korea] is ready to react to any mode of war desired by the US".

Kim Jong-un has racheted up North Korea's nuclear program since coming to power in 2011. 

Mr Pence is scheduled to be in Tokyo on Tuesday, then move on to Jakarta in Indonesia on April 20 before travelling to Sydney on Saturday April 22.