No top-up for the Emissions Reduction Fund in May budget

The Coalition's $2.55 billion Emissions Reduction Fund is running out of money.
The Coalition's $2.55 billion Emissions Reduction Fund is running out of money. Supplied

The Turnbull government will not top up the $2.55 billion Emissions Reduction Fund in next month's budget after last week's auction left $300 million in the kitty to be used in future auctions later this year.

Despite speculation the fund - which is the centre piece of the Coalition's Direct Action climate change policies - might run out of money ahead of the May budget, the Clean Energy Regulator only allocated $133 million in the fifth auction.

This will allow the Turnbull government to wait for the completion of the Finkel Review due mid year and the review of its climate change policies before addressing whether the fund needs any topping up, most likely in next year's budget. It will also give the Coalition time to overhaul the ERF, if needed, to help Australia meet its international targets post-2020.

Industry experts said last week's auction - where 11.25 million tonnes of carbon abatement was locked in via 38 contracts at an average price of $11.82 per tonne - was symptomatic of a lacklustre interest in the fund with big industry players continuing to steer clear.

The ERF pays participants to reduce carbon emissions, but the bulk of projects continue to be through carbon farming - where farmers are effectively paid to plant trees - vegetation management, savanna burning, land-fill projects or energy efficiency projects.

But federal Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg said the fifth auction was an unqualified success and the lower cost of abatement was good value for taxpayers, with 84 per cent of abatement accepted below the benchmark price.

"The combination of the Finkel Review and the climate review offers an opportunity to look at the various policy settings to meet our Paris agreements of which the Emissions Reduction Fund is a crucial part," Mr Frydenberg told The Australian Financial Review.

"The latest auction was a good suite of projects given the first priority is to get value for money and reduce carbon emissions. And at under $12 per tonne, it's very effective."

The Emissions Reduction Fund has so far secured 189 million tonnes of abatement through 387 contracts valued at $2.2 billion.

The last auction includes 19 vegetation managements projects (8.53 million tonnes), including forest regeneration, six landfill and waste projects (2.04 million tonnes), two energy efficiency projects (0.15 million tonnes), two savanna burning projects (0.06 million tonnes) and one project curbing industrial fugitive emissions (0.1 million tonnes).

The contracts are mostly secured through smaller players, including city councils, but retail giant Woolworths also secured a contract for its project, called "Project Enlighten", where it has pledged to boost electricity and fuel efficiencies at its facilities in Queensland, the Northern Territory, South Australia, the ACT and Western Australia.

Another project in Queensland collected and combusted methane from manure in a piggery in Queensland.

Melbourne-based carbon consultancy RepuTex said the results of the latest auction reflected negative market sentiment towards the ERF, with the low average price of carbon abatement contracts and administrative complexity of the scheme creating a significant barrier to participation for many firms, including high-emitting companies.

They say the ERF and the accompanying safeguard mechanism - which is supposed to penalise large emitters - need to be tightened to force big polluters to change their behaviour.

"This low level of participation is expected to continue for the foreseeable future, with the low average price of abatement resulting in many projects being economically stranded under the ERF with little incentive for further bidding given the low price environment," RepuTex said.

The ERF has so far failed to purchase enough abatement to outpace Australia's emissions growth, RepuTex noted.