The greatest rotation: How Baby Boomers will totally reshape financial markets

When hedge fund titans such as George Soros, pictured, reveal that they've switched from buyers to sellers, billions of ...
When hedge fund titans such as George Soros, pictured, reveal that they've switched from buyers to sellers, billions of dollars can follow their lead. Bloomberg

When hedge fund titans George Soros, Carl Icahn and David Tepper reveal that they've switched from buyers to sellers, billions of dollars can follow their lead, shifting markets dramatically.

But in the grand scheme of things they're small fry.

Kathleen Casey-Kirschling, 71, is a retired New Jersey school teacher and she is selling. There's an argument that Wall Street traders should be following her instead.

Casey-Kirschling was born just after midnight on January 1 1946, which officially makes her the oldest of the Baby Boomer generation.

Earlier this month, on April 1 to be precise, she and all the other boomers born in the first half of 1946 will have to begin the process of selling down assets held in their 401(k) retirement plans.

The start of the mass forced liquidation is what hedge fund manager Michael Green has branded "the great rotation". Not to be confused with the great rotation out of bonds and into stocks, this move takes money out of financial markets altogether as the boomers draw on and consume their savings.

"They finally have to start selling this stuff," says Green in an interview with Real Vision, an online finance channel. "They finally have to start consuming it."

The great demographic wave that formed 70 years ago with the rush of babies born after World War II has defined society, politics and economies. It's finally about to break, and with it comes the potential for a mega trend that could slowly suck money from global bond and equity markets.

It may mark the peak of "financialisation'', where quoted securities prices rather than the physical economy have driven decisions.

And as the biological clocks of the Echo Boomers' (another way to describe Generation Y or the Millennials) tick they too will make financial decisions that reshape markets and the financial industry in unexpected ways. It all begins now.

So why is April 1 so important?

Green explains that the US tax code requires that when a retirement account holder reaches 70½ years old they must start selling a certain portion of the assets in these schemes at the end of that year.

While tens of millions of Americans hold 401(k) or individual retirement accounts, few are aware that they have to sell to avoid tax penalties. The high level of non-compliance means that in the first year of required selling, savers have been granted a three-month provision, which brings us to April 1 2017 for the first batch of Boomers.

Baby Boomers are about to embark on the great liquidation - which could reshape financial markets.
Baby Boomers are about to embark on the great liquidation - which could reshape financial markets. Louie Douvis

"Because people accumulate they've never occurred to sell ... This is something that is totally new to them," Green told Real Vision.

There is around $US17 trillion in 401(k) plans and individual retirement accounts. This is worth five times more than the global hedge fund industry and is twice the size of total sovereign wealth assets, which tend to attract a greater share of headlines.

It is the growth of the global pension industry, and the trillions that flow into the financial markets via these plans that has been a constant and powerful force feeding the demand for financial market assets.

And it will remain so.

But the size and force of the pension industry is a pertinent reminder that financial markets, biology and demography are intertwined. This may well be the mega theme of the coming decades.

The peak of financialisation

"The backdrop is we have an ageing population. That will have an impact on consumption patterns and investments ... and [on] what asset classes are going to be in demand," Aron Pataki, portfolio manager at London-based investment firm Newton Asset Management, tells the AFR Weekend.

This massive shift in investing behaviour as time marches forward will drive an even greater desire for income-generating securities as pensioners seek to replace the wage they no longer have.

And as most traders are running away from bonds and the so-called "bond proxies", the equities that have come to resemble bonds, Newton believes they'll be in even more demand as pensioners look to protect their capital in the post-income phase.

Pataki helps Newton manage $26 billion in a "real return" fund. The fund is a thematic investor that identifies macroeconomic trends in deciding how to take long-term positions – among two it is tracking are "population dynamics" and "financialisation'' – the migration of wealth and savings into financial markets which has come at a cost to broader economic growth.

"Finance has become so dominant that it has started to drive economies rather than serving them," he says.

That is, investors and the executives that serve them are acting based on signals in the financial markets, and not in the real economy.

"If you look at the US, corporates have been using cheap debt and using the proceeds to buy back stock, which had a positive impact on earnings per share.

"But if you just do buybacks then you are not investing in your business," he says.

The actions of central banks have made the short-term gains that can be achieved in the financial markets far more enticing than actually investing capital in their businesses.

"That is a problem because if you want to generate a genuine sustainable acceleration in growth then you really have to look at businesses investing in their own business models."

Pataki's comments point to an anomaly that is perplexing and frustrating global policymakers: the stubbornness of companies to use low interest rates to invest in their businesses, which would allow the financial spoils they have enjoyed to be transmitted to the broader economy.

Whether you blame central banks or short-sighted managers, a flood of pensions savings has propelled financial market assets higher.

As boomers and central banks simultaneously contribute to money ebbing out of the financial markets, a third mega trend is adding fuel to the fire.

That third force is the multitrillion-dollar exodus of money from active stock and bond pickers into passive index funds.

It's a move that has decimated large parts of the asset management industry.

Again, as Green points out, the US pension industry has played a role in herding more assets into passive funds. He points to the Department of Labor Fiduciary Rule, which in effect punishes financial advisers for underperformance. It has prompted an even greater shift of assets out of active funds and into low-cost exchange-traded funds.

The active versus passive debate has raged for years but with trillions of dollars on the line and the funds management industry suffering extensive outflows, it's become far more impassioned. At its core is about whether low-cost, brain-dead investing is guiding money to the wrong parts of the economy.

"I don't think many people realise it's a misallocation of capital," says Newton's Pataki.

This is because most indices are based on market capitalisation, which means for every dollar that flows from an active fund to a passive fund, most of it goes to the bigger companies at the expense of smaller ones.

"That is not good in the long run, if fundamentals do not drive the capital allocation."

But what does the multitrillion-dollar passive revolution have to do with demographics and pension liquidations?

It may just offer clues on what stocks to avoid when the flow of money into financial assets reverses.

"What we could see is the 'large cap' companies will probably be much harder hit because they are a bigger proportion of indices," says Pataki.

Ironically, that could mean the mega tech companies whose size and valuations have soared and have come to dominate US stock indices, such as Apple, Alphabet and Facebook, could get hurt.

Arguably even more ironic for these mega tech companies is that Baby Boomer capital has also helped prop up the value of companies that built their businesses on mining the time and attention of their children and grandchildren. Now, those kids are moving on the demographic wheel too.

The Boomer Echo

Millennials are accumulating wealth, but increasingly they're putting down roots, getting married, buying or trying to buy houses, and having kids.

In time, they may come to realise that companies like Facebook and Snap have built hundreds of billions of dollars of profits by mining nothing but their attention, for little back in return. They may want their lives back.

As Atul Lele, the chief investment officer of Deltec, points out, "the Baby Boomer echo" is becoming a major factor, particularly in the housing market.

"From a demographic perspective, just as the 'Baby Boomer' generation led to a significant increase in housing demand in the 1960s to early 1970s, the 'Baby Boomer echo' generation is now entering the point of home ownership, which coupled with improved financial circumstances and rising household formation rates as the post-financial crisis era ends, is likely to spur another phase of increased housing demand," he wrote in a research note titled Game of Homes.

Then there's the 'Boomer echo echo' – the grandkids of the Boomers – that will spur further demand. Millennials have had to survive a financial crisis and an accumulation of student debt but their biological clocks are ticking. More of them are ready to have kids, he says, which will result in a further increase in household formation rates.

The high percentage of single people within the adult population, at over 50 per cent of those older than 18, Lele says "may also be interpreted as a high percentage of potential families that are yet to be formed".

At the moment, homebuilders account for a fraction of 1 per cent of the S&P; 500 Index while the three biggest technology companies account for 8 per cent.

If Lele is right, expect that gap to narrow dramatically.

The extension of that question is whether then millennials will follow their parents into buying those big tech stocks because the future of financial markets will be shaped by how they will invest their savings.

Frank Freitas, of San Francisco-based analytics firm Pluribus Labs, says access to information will change how the next generation invests. "If you look at Millennials that are coming to grips that they may have some savings and disposable income that they want to invest.

"But they don't necessarily want to invest in their mum and dad's ETFs [exchange-traded funds] and mutual funds. They want cause-based investing. They want impact investing. They want vanity investing in this brand or that brand because they love that brand."

The key to getting the next demographic involved in investments, he says, is to allow them to get exposure to "themes-based opportunities".

There's no bigger theme than demographics. Just how much they and their parents invest, and consume, will undoubtedly shape the direction and make-up of stockmarkets in the coming years.