Mining majors look for growth in small targets

Organic growth through exploration is proving more popular than large-scale M&A.
Organic growth through exploration is proving more popular than large-scale M&A.; Aaron Bunch

When it comes to growth, some of Australia's biggest mining companies are thinking small.

As the local mining industry's expenditure on exploration gradually rises from multi-year lows, miners such as BHP Billiton spin-off South32 are betting on partnerships with junior companies as their most value-generative growth option.

South32 last week unveiled an option agreement with Toronto-listed Trilogy Metals which will see it spend up to $US30 million ($39 million) over three years exploring Trilogy's Upper Kobuk Mineral projects in Alaska for copper. If it likes the results, South32 can choose to form a joint venture with Trilogy for $US150 million, less the initial funding.

It is the diversified miner's second such agreement, after "farming in" to Northern Shield Resources' Huckleberry property in Canada in 2016, and mirrors agreements inked by miners such as OZ Minerals, Newcrest Mining and Fortescue Metals Group.

Fortescue teamed up with Gold and Copper Resources in 2015 and said on Thursday its copper-focused exploration work with the private company near Orange in NSW continued to define targets for drilling.

Fortescue chief executive Nev Power told The Australian Financial Review the partnership was part of Fortescue's strategy to have low-cost, early stage growth options

Fortescue looks to NSW, Ecuador

"It is a very effective way [to explore] because quite often smaller companies have very good tenement positions and have done early stage exploration but don't have the wherewithal perhaps to continue investing in that," he said.

"So if you take our exploration over in NSW for example … we are bringing the ability to do a lot more work a lot quicker and accelerate that exploration so I think it is a great win-win for both companies."

Fortescue has also picked up 32 exploration leases in Ecuador which are prospective for copper-gold but at this stage it is preparing to explore them alone.

"There is an opportunity for us to bring partners on to that in the future but for now we are happy to have that," Mr Power said.

"Ecuador is highly prospective, it has had recent changes to legislation which has made holding the tenements and doing the exploration possible."

The world's largest mining company, BHP Billiton, and Gina Rinehart's Hancock Prospecting have also reportedly examined securing ground in Ecuador.

Better value

The efforts come at a time when the industry is cautiously refocusing on growth after a sustained downturn in commodity prices forced cost-reduction and productivity improvements to the fore.

South32 chief Graham Kerr has highlighted the industry's errors during the last cycle, where high-cost acquisitions failed to create value for shareholders, as the driver for its determination to create value with the drill bit.

Mr Kerr said in February the company was conscious most mining companies had "not been great allocators of capital" and therefore planned to focus its growth efforts on exploration rather than transformational acquisitions.

In an "ideal world" South32 would be involved in three to four early stage exploration projects, Mr Kerr told The Australian Financial Review, suggesting the miner could ramp up its activity in the space.

Shaw and Partners analyst Peter O'Connor said collaboration was "a really smart way" for larger miners to increase their exposure to exploration because the junior partner had often largely de-risked projects.

"It seems to be a broad-based change in the process of exploration where companies of larger sizes are deferring to investing through juniors – taking equity stakes like St Barbara did, toll-gated stakes like Oz Minerals is doing or deals like Fortescue and South32 are doing," Mr O'Connor said.

"It is sensible and prudent in terms of the use of shareholder funds and the return on that therefore is probably higher value than what it would have been in a traditional exploration sense. That advantaged nature de-risks it and stands to deliver higher returns."