China's air pollution worsens as economy improves

A man wearing a mask walks on a street in Beijing: Smog is a proxy for industrial production.
A man wearing a mask walks on a street in Beijing: Smog is a proxy for industrial production. ANDY WONG

If you want to understand how the Chinese economy is performing and are seeking a gauge on the iron ore price, one measure is to look skyward.

As official data has shown a pick-up in industrial activity and exports in recent months, there has also been a noticeable deterioration in air quality.

Now China's Ministry of Environmental Protection has gone some way to quantifying this relationship, saying the number of blue sky days for Beijing and Guangzhou dropped in the first three months of the year, compared to the same time last year.

For Beijing, which abuts the steel making province of Hebei, the concentration of small particulates in the atmosphere, known as PM2.5, rose by nearly 27 per cent between January and March, compared to the same period in 2016.

 The smog does not lie, unlike official numbers.
The smog does not lie, unlike official numbers.

In addition, the Department said the number of days it classified as "blue sky" in the capital fell from 54 to 47.

The data provides something of a reality check at a time when there is increasing worry that the official growth numbers won't be allowed to reflect a decline in activity, as the Communist Party wishes to give the impression of a strong economy ahead of a major political meeting in November.

As Capital Economics have pointed out, China's official GDP and its Activity Monitor (an alternative economic growth index) diverge most when the economy is slowing and converge at times of acceleration.

Official data released on Monday showed China's economy grew by a better-than-expected 6.9 percent comparing the March quarter to the same period in the previous year. That is up from 6.8 per cent in the final quarter of 2016.

Industrial production was also far better than forecast growing at 7.6 per cent in March, compared to 6.3 per cent in first two months of the year.

This fits with worsening pollution readings in the capital and suggests factory activity remains relatively strong even as the iron ore price has dropped nearly 30 per cent since mid-February to below $US70 a tonne. Much of this fall has been attributed to a pull-back in speculative activity, which drove the price towards $US100 a tonne, despite increased supply and signs China's latest round of economic stimulus had peaked.

The pollution readings suggest activity remains robust, which could provide a floor for the iron ore price – Fortescue Metals Group chief executive Nev Power said last week he thought the price would settle around $US60 a tonne.

One other advantage of using pollution as a gauge for activity is that the official numbers can at least be partially verified by comparing them with air quality readings from a monitoring station inside the US Embassy in Beijing.

The decline in air quality also comes despite the Chinese capital closing the last of its coal fired power stations in March and continuing its push to replace small coal-fired boilers with natural gas.

Like all alternative economic indexes, this one is far from perfect however, as wind direction also plays a big part in pollution readings.

The official data does also show a corresponding decline in air quality around Guangzhou, which is home to the Pearl River Delta manufacturing hub.

The Department reported PM2.5 concentrations rose by more than 26 per cent for the first three months of the year and the number of blue sky days fell from 81 to 87, compared to the same period last year.

And this trend in poor air quality for Beijing does not look to be abating in April. On Monday pollution readings in the capital were classified as "very unhealthy", while Beijing has had 10 days this month where readings have been "unhealthy", five days of "moderate" pollution and no days considered "good".