Fortescue Metals Group fit to ride price rollercoaster

Fortescue Metals Group chief executive Nev Power shouldn't be surprised at the iron ore discount.
Fortescue Metals Group chief executive Nev Power shouldn't be surprised at the iron ore discount. Stefan Gosatti

While you might not have readily guessed it from Nev Power's past public commentary, the latest Fortescue Metals Group production report shows a newly conservative miner sitting exactly where management knew it would need to be.

Maunday Thursday revelations that Fortescue had missed March quarter production, cost and pricing guidance inspired an overweight share price battering and some media chatter about the end of the iron ore dream.

But, for all the succession of disappointments contained in the production report – two of them marginal, one not so – neither response was justified.

This is not to discount the material importance of Power's news. Rather it is meant to remind investors that miners remain relentlessly cyclical businesses, to announce that iron ore will likely be more volatile through a more condensed pricing range than it was through the opening 12 years of the century, and to note that there were some very clear indicators of downturn now in play.

Fortescue's lesser March problems were that production volumes and shipments were down and that cash costs rose slightly over the previous quarter.

The disappointments, which surprised more than they really should have, were the quite dramatic erosion of its pricing terms over and Power's guidance that this circumstance was unlikely to improve over the balance of the financial year. As a result forecasts for Fortescue FY17 profit are expected to be trimmed by up to 10 per cent.

To be clear, Fortescue produces a 58 per cent iron ore that is low in impurities, so it is very useful for blending with richer ores that have an over-abundance of chemicals that reduce their efficiency in the sintering process. As a result, Fortescue sells its product on the 62 per cent reference price but it does so at a discount.

For some months now we have been writing about the ballooning delta between the prices paid for 62 per cent and 58 per cent products.

Getting ready for a wild ride

Some (us included) warned that it seemed logical that this would flow through to Fortescue's received price. Power was pushed on this potential back in February after releasing Fortescue very strong December results. But he stuck to his guns, repeating guidance that Fortescue expected to sell ore at between 85 per cent and 90 per cent of the index.

Instead, Fortescue's average realised price for the March quarter ran at 76 per cent of the index with an average received price of $US66 a tonne. Had Fortescue been able to run at guidance that average price would have been nearer $US75 a tonne.

With nasty reality now apparent, Fortescue promptly trimmed the range of full-year price realisation to between 75 per cent and 85 per cent of the index. The quantum of this downsizing and the uncertainty of its range would suggest Fortescue is getting ready for a wild ride through until June 30.

Through the first half of the financial year Fortescue's received price ran at around 88 per cent of the 62 per cent index. It ran at just better than the low point of guidance through the third quarter. So to drive a whole financial year back to the range indicated would suggest the pressures on lower grade ores are only going to get tougher.

It is worth noting that over the first 10 months of the financial year, the benchmark price has range from about $US50 a tonne to $US90 a tonne and it is sitting at $US72 a tonne, with the portents suggesting that further retreat is more likely than not. There are forecasts that the price will range through $US45 a tonne as waves of new Brazilian supply hit the market. The gathering stockpiles at Chinese iron ore ports would suggest that it quite possible, though there is more to a stockpile than just its size.

Latest reports suggest there is better than 135 million tonnes of ore sitting at China's ports, which is more than at any time since the Middle Kingdom acquired a place in the seaborne trade. Since 2008 China has held an average 25 days of iron ore inventory at its ports. That inventory stands at 35 days and is still climbing.

The fascinating thing about that inventory is that it has been growing steadily right through the period of iron ore's price recovery. So why was that and what had changed that this parked capacity might prove a price deflator?

The reason why the 62 per cent price and port inventory rose at the same time is that steelmakers have developed a strong prejudice for higher-quality ore. We have consistently advised watching not just the size of China's inventory but the quality of the ores that make it up.

Quality over quantity

Until comparatively recently, there was very little quality product being held at port and the traders rather than the steel mills themselves had become unusually long in low-grade products.

The balance of quality and its ownership has changed a little over the past month orso with the mills becoming slightly longer in 62 per cent and better products. This might help explain why prices are cooling.

But, look, when you can dig up ore up for a cash cost of $US13 a tonne and land it in China, fully costed, for say $US30 a tonne, then there is still an awful lot of money to be made being good at iron ore mining. And that is the point about Power's Fortescue. Fortescue has proven itself a competitive producer of high volumes of lower-grade ore and under Power it has built a balance sheet resilient enough to more than sustain itself through iron ore's cycles. The dream might be over, but the reality is still more than good.

While it is fair to wonder at Power's habit of being consistently right about the iron ore market but only in retrospect, it remains unchallengeable that Fortescue has relentlessly shaped its cost base and its balance sheet to withstand just the sort of pricing downshift that in now playing out.

If we have learned anything over this past 24 months of zealous redirection of Fortescue it is that we watch very carefully what Power does and assess what he says through a lens that accounts fully for his limitless enthusiasm and his understandable need to create a sense of controlling calm in the face of an occasionally aggressively nervous market.

So it is that he introduced Thursday's numbers with observation that the iron ore market is where he imagined it would be back when he last spoke to us in February.

"I think we will see the iron ore price to return to where you'd expect it to be based on the supply curve, which is around that $60 to $65 per tonne mark historically," he told media.

He said Fortescue had "well and truly flagged" falling prices last quarter. Price, he said, "had really overshot the mark and we were seeing last quarter increasing stockpiles and an increasing iron ore price".

"That's really been a phenomena that's driven by steel mills looking to get the higher-grade ores, so we'd seen an artificially high price on those 65 and 62 per cent ores and that's now starting to correct," he said.

Longer-term adjustments

It really has to be remembered that Fortescue is a continuing transformation story and its progress needs to be monitored with an eye to the longer-term supply, demand and pricing equations of the iron ore market.

Pretty much at this exact time two years ago iron ore was still deep in the pricing doldrums, Fortescue owed $US8.78 billion in five separate tranches and it was in the middle of what proved to be a botched New York-based effort to extend the tenor and reduce the interest rate on $US2.5 billion worth of senior secured notes.

Step two years down the maturity curve and Fortescue has pruned that bond debt to $US3.6 billion and simplified its debt portfolio to three tranches, the first of which is due for repayment in 2019, the second in 2022 and the third of which is a rolling facility.

Fortescue sits $US1.5 billion of retained earnings, a pile that appears to have grown by $US300 million over the March quarter alone, and through the December half Australian iron ore's third force generated $US1.5 billion of free cash flow.

At the same time as ramping up to the 165 million tonnes a year production range the miner has taken successive leaps down the cost curve in what has been a stunningly successful move to defend its place in the seaborne market. Fortescue's cash costs of production hit a record low point of $US12.54 through the December quarter.

While its major competitors dispute the Fortescue methodology for assessing cash costs, they now routinely acknowledge that Power and his recently departed chief financial officer, Stephen Pearce (he was recruited to run the numbers at Anglo American) are the real deal and so the company.